What do you want for a new DLC

I think he was thinking about using a pack llama instead of the dude dragging a cart for the Incas in every game mode, not just scenarios.

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We could have human porters for the Aztecs and Maya (and maybe Inca) if needed.

Well, the donkey should be harder to hit than an elephant or a cart, especially with ranged attacks. It would be a hidden bonus for the factions using it, despite the different trade units being just reskins in theory.

I remember that donkeys happen to carry the most gold at the expense of being slower. Though naturally, all trade units have to be more or less equalised.

The current skins are fine. But china, japan, and korea (also mongols could get their carts replaced or maybe not) should have donkeys. Water buffalos are kinda weird for them. About incas, I agree, they should have llamas.

Thank you so much for mentioning, the translation is atrocious. Sometimes, all they had to do was copy and paste HD, but that seems too complicated…

Water buffaloes are used to pull carts and wagons in China/Korea/Japan/Vietnam as well as SE Asia. Agree, the Mongols should use some other variation, maybe the horse cart or camel cart, but a individual camel/horse/yak/llama caravan unit like the donkey would be most valuable for the editor at least.

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Maybe anew trade skin for the central asian civs?

The Bactrian Camel could be used.

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I would love to see the Dutch!

Dutch are out of the aoe2 time frame (for the most part)

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You can always rename them to something like Frisians and add.

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Frisians are fairly small to be added