I just watched the game and eles pop reachs a max of approx 50 eles with just approx 50 vils and 50 trade carts. And reachs this max over the end of a won game… My point is… if your eles are durable, you don’t need to sustain a 60 eles production…
Maybe not 2 pop, but at least 1.5 to balance them on TG and post imp games
his units also weren’t rushing straight into the fight. he was at the north side and all the fighting was going on at the south west corner. very different then if his units were fighting shortly after coming out.
you’re basically using the best possible situation to say “see you can maintain production without losing them”.
Pop efficiency is one of the biggest selling point of elephant
This best possible situation is not the usual pocket situation?
no, the best possible situation is being the opposite flank and watching your army not have to engage right away.
For what it’s worth, the game balance shouldn’t be around 2k+ 1v1.
FFA, low level TG and custom games should also be a focus (if not the primary one, considering the game is 99% comprised of people in the bottom 99%, who mostly play TG).
why not?
in most cases these people are losing more because of “what i did wrong” then anything that has to do with balance of units.
the archer is the prime example of why balancing around low level players is not exactly a good idea - at high levels archers utterly dominate, but at lower levels they aren’t all that good. now how do you fix that without busting them in pros hands?
Sounds like a terrible idea, especially in the case of Pikemen which already have lower bonus damage against Elephants.
It indeed is the case, when Tatars had the feudal sheeps and 50f Keshik, most of the playerbase couldn’t notice that, but at high levels Tatars were broken, Badboy as a good example (playing only Tatars got tons of ELO).
Meant it shouldn’t be only around high level 1v1. If anything, it should be around mid elo TG with slight skill capped changes to make some things stronger at the high level and not that useful at the low level- think portuguese 30% faster techs. On the lower levels this changes practically nothing, but on the high levels its huge when it comes to timings, early castle and early imp.
Balancing around team games as the core would be s nightmare. So many comps that cover weaknesses.
Not in that sense. Nerfing Franks’ eco will also nerf their TG performance as well as their 1v1 performance, and in both they are dominant.
Nerfing Koreans early castle WW play will nerf their TG closed map performance where they are absolutely broken, but won’t impact their 1v1 performance much, if at all. Removing the bonus against buildings will solve 50% of the problems with that unit, and it in no way nerfs Koreans on open maps, while it makes them a lot less oppressive on closed maps.
AoE2 isn’t a game like AoE3 where there are clear weaknesses and strengths, because realistically half the civs can play on archers, and the other half can play on cavalry anyway, which is what the TG meta is about.
The spice comes in the UUs and the one trick strategies, that are the thing that puts Arena/Nomad/BF game quality in the dumpster.