What improvements should AOE3:DE have?

point 2 i thinks is partly covered by ringing bell on town center

Ideally you dont really want to have to ring the bell.
If you get raided in one area for example you dont need to put all the vills inside the tc.

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Si mi palabra fuera ley

Se agregarĂ­a una forma de organizar barajas por nombre y por numero.
Se agregarĂ­an pilotos a todos los navĂ­os de todas las civilizaciones.
Todas las civilizaciones podrĂ­an construir catedrales desde la primera edad.
Argentina, Brasil, Gran Colombia y los mapuches serian civilizaciones jugables.
Las civilizaciones saldrĂ­an perfectamente balanceadas y con ideas mas sobrias.
Los arboles, arbustos y los animales podrĂ­an repoblar.
Las revoluciones reiniciarĂ­an la experiencia que necesitan para los envĂ­os.
Los incas y los aztecas tendrĂ­an revoluciones reales que representen un cambio real.
Los nativos tendrĂ­an las hogueras de guerra y podrĂ­an minar.

Si mi palabra fuera ley, estas serian las mejoras que yo agregarĂ­a.

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virou realidade a carta de 25% de dano na era 4 foi adicionada

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Just curious/thinking out loud
 do you think it would be possible to add a game mode/option where cards and shipments are not a thing (not seen or used at all), and we’re allowed to build as many towers and forts as we want? Or would that throw game balance too far out of whack?

If it is easy to remove them and the game is still nicely playable, it might make the game more palatable for some and attract players back.

It wouldn’t affect current AoE3 fans, as it would just be a side option for those players like me who don’t like those mechanics. Could even just make it for single player games, too

In future patches of AoE3: DE, the main menu should have a tab called ‘Campaign’ and in that tab, we can be seeing campaign-type sets of scenarios (Story Mode, The Arts of War, Historical Battles).

I’d like the ability to select auto-generated explorer names as we could in legacy because right now we’re stuck unless we change it manually.


Give me the ability to customize the decks of revolutions.
Let me change the explorers of revolutions to generals.
Give me the ability to modify the appearance of the revolutionary generals.
Give me the option to put one revolution as an age limit.


Cards that are not useful should be merged or should give something extra.
It should be possible to order the decks, but also group them.

Question, do you think it would be too much to ask that decks can be grouped?

For Example:
Group: Treaty.
Deck1 Treaty sea.
Deck2 Treaty Earth.

I think that this way it would be much easier to search and organize the decks.