I agree with you on the Urumi, but I find them to be largely useless. I never fight enough of them to threaten my Arquebusiers, who just mow them down. I also hate the way they move, their running animation is just terrible.
I remember the vanilla monitors, with their 1/3rd screen bombardment range lol.
You mean the Gurkha? I actually think they’re kinda useless. You been victimized by them?
Kind of balanced the light cannon by it being available in age 4 only though, most of the time haud will never reach age 4, it’s worse for inca, they can only get light cannon once from a big button tech for 1600 coin in age 4 apart from that no trainable artillery which really sucks, haud can train them at least.
There we go, I adore this post lol. The trauma unit that you are finally able to overcome, feels so good.
I agree with you on the Ashigaru, they are unnecessarily strong. I actually just did a game, playing as the Japanese, I got my Ashigaru up to 420HP, 61 ranged attack, 66 siege, and 29 melee. Honestly, the easiest way to balance them, 300HP. They don’t need Janissary levels of HP.
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Caros? I am drawing a BLANK on what that could be…I feel super dumb. What is that? lol.
And I get the hatred for culverins, they seem to have some pathfinding, targeting AI issues.
I want to say, I hate hussars and dragoons in this game, due to historical inaccuracy. Why is the hussar labeled heavy cavalry, when they are historically, and obviously, light cavalry not wearing ANY ARMOR, while the dragoons have full helmet, full cuirass on? Dragoons SHOULD be heavy and 6.75 movement speed, and hussars should be light with 7.0 movement speed but like 100 less HP. I once got my English hussars up to 810 hit points, it was France levels of disgusting lol.
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Both units, I agree with, are problematic. I only usually keep 5 howdah around for emergencies. I’ve had like only 30 arquebusiers and fought against almost 20 howdahs and Repelling Volley just eliminates them all.
I actually love the Arrow Knight, I think they’re super strong, with like 20 of them, you do about 99 damage per shot at a building. I don’t mind that they’re balanced to be slow but WHY do they walk like they’re crippled? Super weird looking.
Yes man, I wake up in the middle of the night with the face of the unit.
The Oprichnik is kinda nonsense. It’s too good. Since when did it get that x2 damage multiplier against siege troopers and artillery!? They do like almost 80 damage per swing to artillery, almost as much as the Chinese Meteor Hammer. I do agree, the Orpichnik is excessively strong in the current build.
Priests are useless, I wish they had more going for them. Like, not quite Spanish Unction but something like it. Like being within the zone of control of a priest, for say, England, gives all units 10% ranged resist. That’d be neat. It shouldn’t stack though! Oh God, that would be bad. Scratch that idea…
And you mean the Jaguar Prowl Knight? I actually LOVE them. But I use them as…well, I use them as Oprichniks lol.
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yeah dude i know, but thats why i hate this unit. Lots of hassle and work just to prevent a raid…
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Yeah uhlans, oprinchnik, and axe riders are really annoying to deal with, I would argue axe riders are the worse because they can be made in age 2 and still have the late game siege like the oprinchnik, uhlans are really annoying too because of how many Germans can get so fast but Germans overall rely on uhlans to be a decent civ so it is what it is I guess
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This. I’ve always felt that it is a shame that using priests is not viable in competitive. It would be worth it if they changed up the priests usefulness for the meme factor if nothing else.
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The plantations and farms of indigenous civilizations, as they do not fit with any of the civilizations in the game, in terms of architecture. In addition, the plantations are totally out of step in the middle of the Inca, Aztec and Lakota architectures, they seem to fit more or less just for the Haudenossaunee, without leaving them totally ugly and mismatched.
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I hate them for the market upgrades that got tangled with the farm/plantation upgrades >:(
I don’t like wasting resources for something that adds to farming speed while what I need at the moment is the hunting speed. Same with food as with gold, not sure why they only let you have hunting dogs in the beginning.
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All the OUTLAWS as they are impossible to use because their crazy pop cost!
What annoys me isn’t a unit or building, it’s that harvesting from naked mills is the exact same as harvesting from berry bushes.
Why bother with Berry bushes at all when Mills are better?
because Berry Bushes are free, that´s why.
yeah, berries are free and i’m pretty sure gather faster than mills because on a mill there’s some walking around time and res gathered is lower than the game shows.
yeah! like reducing their cost to maybe 85, also with no pop cost but a limit of 10 for all civs!
I’ve gotten sick of op caroleans