What should Age of Empires IV improve?

Most players don’t like/interest to play water maps and most viewers don’t like to watch games on water maps (just look at the stats and feedback).

Some players say it’s because they have to learn another build or more multitasking and it is difficult, others because the games are almost always the same (and the latter is usually true).

There is a lot of action and a lot of micromanagement, but 2 fundamental elements are missing for its attraction: The strategic variety and a better aesthetic in water (accompanied by some extra resource).

I think that the gathering speed (aprox), aesthetics and water content of AoE3 (it is one of the strong points of the game) combined with the micro ship of AoE4 with its rock-paper-scissors, we could be talking about the best water in AoE and I would dare to say that it would be one of the best of all the RTS.

Maybe I’m freaking out, let me know.

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