What will we get to celebrate the 2nd anniversary of aoe3de and the 25th anniversary of the Age of Empires?

It is their choice to send the two civ of Danes and poles for free. There may be more new revolutionary European countries for free, and new units may appear. However, the two leaders of artificial intelligence will appear. It is indeed possible that they have their own choice

I’d rather support the devs thus increasing the possibility for more content than demand things for free. I would like to see a 3DE DLC, a 2023 roadmap, and AoMDE.


Very late for the game, which is simply Austria and already (1804-1867/1918)…

I don’t think they’ll do that at least anytime soon…

I don’t think they eat their heads that much… I think they will put thematic cards like House of Habsburg and House of Hohenzollern and ready and that each player decides if he wants to make his German civ more Austrian or more Prussian…

Yes, but the devs also have to earn something to eat no?..

Yes, it can be at least the first thing…

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Definitely not. These two civs (Danes & Poles) are pretty good for new paid DLC because there are a brand new civs - not part of actual huge umbrellas civs.

Germans civ and Indians civ are hugely umbrellas in AoE 3!


Especially Poland/PLC considering its size is a glaring absence on the AoE III world map.
That is some old graphics, Italy is obviously now included in the game

There are few arguments for why it’s hard(er) to make it fit into AoE III format, but for the past few ways and because of the changes and new content introduced with 3DE and after its release none of them really stand.

Empire factor- all countries, certainly past idk… XII, XIV century, grow at the expense of others. Butr that does not make them empires. And Poland never was one, despite a couple of amusing adventures when it was romancing with the idea.
But pretty much since the release of WarChiefs that is no longer a requirement. It would be extremely hard to make a case for empire status with things like Lakota.
Poland in various periods was occupying or controlling various external entities, but pretty much all that was around its borders, at the end of the day hardly any of it would fall into the ‘colonialism’ category. But since that is not a requirement it’s fine.

But there’s a second, larger issue. In AoE games we don’t play as countries, but as people- nations, ethnic groups, nothing more specific than that.
And for the vast majority of the time period, AoE III is focused on, the Polish Crown was in union with the Grand Duchy of Lithuania after the 1569 Lublin Union.

While in certain aspects it was dominant, it would be unfair and uncool to reduce the second part of that Commonwealth, Lithuania, to a secondary addition and flavoring.
Maybe it could work as a weird outlier and a dual civ Poles-Lithuanians?

There are a few ways to work around that, but none are IMHO better than just simplifying things and including PLC from the start as Poles-Lithuanians.
You could start with just Poland which would evolve into PLC with advancement to age 3, but that’s just complicating things, same as adding Lithuania as a separate civ, which would evolve into PLC by that time.
In practice, they would have separate one/two ages, and even then these countries were next to each other. They had similar architecture, ways of conducting warfare etc. A lot of redundancy.
History of both is so tied together that trying to include them as some sort of separate countries from an alternative timeline would be bizarre.

They made Malta a separate civ, I’m confident they are clever enough to craft a playable civ out of PLC.

I know what song I’d love to hear in an announcement trailer

And with Sweden and Russia already included in the game there’s a potential for a lot of great scenarios


In this way, Denmark is definitely suitable to be introduced into the game of AoE 3, because it is one of the earliest colonial powers in Europe. It has colonies in Greenland, the Caribbean, the Faroe Islands, Africa and India. Denmark is one of the popular civilizations in AoE 3 The developers are more suitable for the development of Denmark and Poland


The Danish could get Shallop Gunboats in lieu of one of the normal roster of ships. Weak but cheap and fast to build. British Navy like to target practice with them (sorry).

They could also get a unique tower: Skytsborg - a protection tower using the example on St. Thomas (once a Danish-owned Carribbean island). The tower has to be sent in wagon form and could either be an easily accessed shipment or a bonus with each age up. More powerful the closer it is to multiple buildings.

They’d also need some form of Norwegian unit (as it was the Danish-Norwegian Kingdom for most of AoE3’s timespan, though that’s beyond my knowledge.


Yes, Denmark should introduce the Indian consulate and the Danish unit of the consulate. There may be unique all units, new capital and new AI leaders. This should be reasonable


Yes of course, and let them be called Fighters of the Baltic…

Of course, the chronology of the Poles in AoE 3 would go from the union of Lublin in 1569 to the third partition in 1795…

It could also have several revolutions in the industrial age:

To me this…

The Northern Wars are already in the game…

Of course, surely they are developing them now to launch them for May next year…

In the Wars of Liberty mod the Danes have these units:

Ox cart icon.png Ox Cart: Wagon that improves nearby Villager gathering rates and can turn into economic buildings.
Friskytte icon.png Friskytte: Vastly upgradable ranged archaic infantry.
Gunboat icon.png Gunboat: Light warship carrying a cannon. Replaces the Aviso, but can not gather from fish.
Espingol icon.png Espingol: A fast-firing organ gun with short range. Better against infantry than buildings. Replaces the Heavy Cannon at the Factory.
Ingenior icon.png Ingenior: Ultimate heavy infantry whose ranged attack deals siege damage and does bonus damage against artillery. Can repair artillery.

And they can be revolutionized in Norway…

Danish Units:Ingenior and Espingol

Danish Homecity:Copenhagen

Danish Leader: Christian IV (12 April 1577 – 28 February 1648) (in WoL is Frederick VII)

Christian IV was King of Denmark and Norway and Duke of Holstein and Schleswig from 1588 until his death in 1648. His reign of 59 years, 330 days is the longest of Danish monarchs and Scandinavian monarchies.

A member of the House of Oldenburg, Christian began his personal rule of Denmark in 1596 at the age of 19. He is remembered as one of the most popular, ambitious, and proactive Danish kings, having initiated many reforms and projects. Christian IV obtained for his kingdom a level of stability and wealth that was virtually unmatched elsewhere in Europe.[1] He engaged Denmark in numerous wars, most notably the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648), which devastated much of Germany, undermined the Danish economy, and cost Denmark some of its conquered territories.[2] He rebuilt and renamed the Norwegian capital Oslo as Christiania after himself, a name used until 1925.

Splitting German civilization and Indian civilization should be the last thing this game will do.

Don’t forget this game is AoE3, there are so many more effective, meaningful, fun, balanced, and cheaper ways for these two civilizations to gain higher accuracy as umbrellas. For example this is one of them, whether it’s the use of European minor civilizations, or the mechanic I’ve suggested at the another thread before.

AoE2 has to rely on the split umbrella to obtain new content, which is its shortcoming. AoE3 has never had this problem so naturally there is no need to do the same. Not to mention, there is much more important, more anticipated and easier to produce content ahead of them, there are more than 8 potential new civilizations alone, and we probably won’t even get them all, let alone split existing civilizations.

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The Denmark Consulate in India will replace the Consulate in Osman. Because there is no Indian colony in Osman and Osman does not expand the land in India for historical reasons, the developer will repair the wrong interface in Osman of the Indian consulate and fill it with the Denmark Consulate

Of course, what need they have to divide Germany and India, when with the cards it is easier to differentiate the things…

Of course, the truth is that I prefer new civs than dividing those that are already…

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I hope they add more content to aoe3, I personally expect content for South America, maps, minor civilizations and complete civilizations, but who knows what could happen.

Obviously this is just my opinion. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I hope not. Variety has run amok in this game, even as great as it is.

After the 2nd anniversary of the age of empires 3 will be announced on October 25, there will be more new battles, new units, new revolutionary countries and new challenges




You are my hero. A smurf account like no other.


What revolutionary countries?


Little spoiler please give, my friend :pleading_face:

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Yea i know Just give you the spoilers you want :face_holding_back_tears: