What's wrong with aoe3 player base now

It takes very long to find a team game. Usually opponents are premade team in a clan, much higher rating…my team full noob…

It is not even remotely close. If i search i find opponent team in 2200+ elo, sometimes 2500+ elo…most of the time in the same clan, while my team-mate is 600 to 1100 elo…some of those were trying their first,ranked game.

So you know this won’t be fun. The opponent are full team rushing me in 6 mins, my teammate chopped 400 wood to make a mill in age 1 and built native tp.

I play 1v1 a lot in casual but only with friends!

I think it’s played more treaty because it’s easier to play, seeing more low level players (obviously there are exceptions), where you have an economic phase and a fighting phase, not to mention that you don’t have to be alert to raids.
Seeing that the higher level players +1500 (in 1v1 or team), do not play this mode because they consider it very boring, (rarely play one of 20min at most).
Considering maybe for people to play more supremacy, you would have to put the lobby mode to have to perform before the art of war in broce and ranked in silver.
and add an advanced art of war, a professional player had created a game mode for 2, where each one started with the same units (and could not create more), and won the one who better micro.

I stopped playing AoE3, it was fun learning Aztecs and playing to learn the game and get better at it.

The game suffers some severe simplicity issues where there’s only 1 way to optimally play, or you will lose the more you go up the ladder. This is due to expanding Age of Mythology’s engine where timings are already quite quick, usually a full buildup can be done around ~20 minutes and a longer game lasts until 20-30 minutes, but making it even more simplified with shipments. With that it becames ‘even more’ cheesey and sped up where things like different ‘choices’ that can still win become a bit less.

I agree but think that perhaps it shows what players have devolved into, and what they want deep down. It’s comical to see as usual someone playing ‘treaty’, but making the peace-time twice as long as the time needed to get to AgeV (without even needing to make military units or prepare for rushes), and then say ‘NO NOOBS!’. yet I think that ironically is what AoE3 is mostly. It had a nice competitive period but has been figured out a long time ago. Like if they’re not impaired somehow then they are possibly a kid, either way not good.

The only ‘treaty’ that semi makes sense is the 10 minute one, because then you are sort of enforcing no cheese rushes or cheap super early rushes, which can be done more easily due shipments, or literally 1v3 to kill a player as if it’s ‘somehow clever’ within like ~4 minutes; this is boring to me even if I’m the one winning. A game where you can’t win, no matter the skill and knowledge? What’s the game then? 20 minutes also sort of makes sense, if you want like some kind of easier deathmatch where you fully built up. Since you need to make no militay units, even making mistakes, any civ should be like able to hit the final Age and get a full eco plus a specific strategy rolling just at ~20 minutes marker, if they’re optimal. But instead the norm shown is like ‘40’ or ‘60’ minutes. What? That says a lot about the quality of the players who are hosting it all the time and also saying ‘NO NOOBS!’, setting twice the building time that’s required to get to Age V anyway from Age 1. In case you don’t get it it’s like those players think they are smart/clever are actually showing they’re really not that. In a way like pre-selecting 1 strategy may increase their chance of winning, i.e. spamming 1000 health units that cost 3 pop clearly can beat 250 health units that cost 3 pop, and they ‘think’ it’s clever, but it’s really not. What happens when also a ‘higher player’ plays against you, who can also build better units? So same thing then (that’s trying to be avoided)? Maybe his teammate will be bad then. After arguably 3x more peace-time building up and playing on treaty mode, these type of players may have an advantage simply by ‘choosing a type of unit and spamming it’, and possibly, by pre-team up against other players (team stacking). It’s sad but those types are not exactly ‘bright’ or above the IQ spectrum a lot of the time, but at least they have like a thing to play, in a way like: if they like it, it’s up to them. Imo such things are boring because not only did I do that when I was like 12 before I think it doesn’t allow people to play the full game, and they are deluding themeselves as if they are ‘not the problem’; good for marketing and making them play, but bad for literally everything else.

Also that literally ‘is’ the whole game: getting the upgrades on time and getting upper hand on the opponent, the pros and cons of making military units vs making economy, yet the seemingly most popular game mode factually removes at least half of the game. It seems, comically: they are ‘betting’ on knowing howto do only a single thing they think is OP, hoping the other player doesn’t know what to do at all, and try restricting what other players can do to them to win (all without even playing the game yet, before they even started it), but remember: wags his finger no noobs! :O! and it’ll take 40 additional minutes, things like wins/elo mean little at that point, that unranked (not even saved) result will be surely grand, etc.

Even there with the 3v3s and such ‘normal games’, I found either the same players refuse to play if you always beat them, then try to team stack players against you, or like, they aren’t always giving a good game that was fun. If it’s hard to find a game too for too long it’s just eh, not worth it. It is worth learning and playing the normal game at least once though. Not their best game, AoM was better imo.

I would like to play lobby from time to time but the people in this game are cowards and whiners who expel you for having more elo than the 9/10 host that entered they expel me, that’s why I don’t look for the lobbies anymore, I just play lobbies with friends with people I can invite or be invited

Also, people who are premade don’t care if your ally is bad, for which reason there is less interest in playing lobbies, there are no longer 3v3 with random teams or balanced teams

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Yeah exactly! Im only 1200 on 1v1, then i get kicked frequently from lobbies, my main account is 1450 and i never join random lobby. No chance. If i drop my elo to 800 to 900 they dont kick me any more! And players team up in the absolute final sec when everyone else ready up. They are afraid to show that,earlier!

Also,people kick whatever good players on opponent team. But wont kick if bad players join opponent team. After this selection process, they’ve made sure all their opponents are lower level than them

All these make it really undesirable to play supremacy lobby games.

Even these lobbies are hard to find now. Everyone just,play the damn treaty

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Mmm propongo algo en los lobbies, yo no soy mucho de crear lobbies solo juego 1vs1 clasificatoria (2 o 3 partidas al dia) y ya, pero creo que empezare a hostear partidas que digan “No tratado, No lloricas” a ver si funciona de algo

Doesn’t make 3v3 deccan work anymore?
The lure of deccan is immortal

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10 minute treaty is nothing at all like 40 minute treaty.

IMO 10 min treaty makes the least sense, because it is just rush without rush instead enforcing other cheesy strats like fast revolt etc.

40 minutes treaty is a completely different game to rush, it is playing factions at their maximum, you constantly fight for position and reconstruct your army for what you are seeing. understanding treaty as just “noob version” of the game is reductive and frankly just shows one has absolutely no idea about what they are talking about. treaty has skill levels just as rush and good treaty players are at least descent rush players and vice versa.


good treaty players are a kind you don’t want to get stuck fighting in late game, late game often not happening on supremacy due to high aggression, meaning most supremacy only players likely lack that particular skill set that a treaty player will undeniably have at their disposal, nothing beats getting stomped by a treaty player given all time to boom and prepare

“Given time to boom and prepare” :sweat_smile:

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This is the correct reason. And if you don’t see a team game lobby, creating one yourself is very easy.

Playing ranked teams can be hit or a miss sometimes, but I don’t think its any better or worse than lobby teams. My suggestion is to just queue on ranked teams.

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The problem is, ranked team game is just as unbalanced as lobby team games. And you have to wait for 5+ min for ranked unbalanced team games. And lobby games are fewer and fewer. Basically there are very few players playing team games. A lot of players are at treaty or AI games.


Agreef, 40 min treaty and supremacy are very different game modes, even though both requires similar skillsets (unit control, game understanding,…)

This isvthe usual BS reason given by treaty players. No mod lets you play at the “maximum potential” of the civ or w/e … Treaty makes you play a “late game RTS” and Supremacy an “early game RTS”.
There are good early game cards and good late game cards, that is all. A civ is not only defined by its late game potential (or its early game potential btw).

Agreed. “Noobs” usually rather play treaty because they dont want getting rushes, i.e. attacked before they boomed and have a big army.
But at high level you need a lot of skills to do out stuff (efficiently boom, properly setup your base,…) and win.

I dont see the problem of 10 minutes treaty, even though I only play Supremacy.
10 minutes treaty is for people who want to start the game in age 3 or so. If they like it, why not ?

Just make a lobby, I have had times when there was no treaty lobby, so I just made one and boom, you have your game.

If everyone thinks of waiting for someone else to create a lobby, then no one will.

Also weird to act like treaty players arent part of the playerbase, because they are.

Yeah I agree, often what happens is everyone is there is a lot of players but everyone is looking for a lobby and no one makes one

Not really. In my post i mentioned often i make a lobby then no one joins. (Only when i make a 4v4 noob lobby on large map, then someone joins).

Really, then I think it just happens to be the particular time you play

No treaty player is not our player base. They play a different game.

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