What's your favourite Civilisation?

Hittites as when i started playing i only had the demo, so only had the one campaign and no iron age.

Bronze age and spam chariot archers + catapults=win

Hello everyone!
Man this is awsome, remake of the best game of my childhood.
Remember i was 10years when this game was released, was so awsome but i never noticed the special perks for civs.
I always played greeks, cus Centurion crushed everything, exept the pesky horse archers.
Also loved rome in the xpac. I have a weak spot for hellenic, roman factions in all history games.
Cant w8 til release

Babylon _

Enough diversity to keep this interesting :stuck_out_tongue:

“OnlyAssyrian” :smiley:

Phoenicians 4 sure !

Mine was Phoenician. Their bonus wood gathering helped get the economy booming and especially if there was water on the map.

I’d say Palmiran and Yamato.

Mine is Yamato due to the late game potential as well as the strong early presence. Second hm… One of the greek Civilizations i just forgot the name :stuck_out_tongue: But they have strong mid - late slow early.

All of them for different reasons!

CHOSONS !!! Epic DM battles coming

@DesAnderes said:
I love playing the Hittites.

Those guys were so OP come late game. They have a insane amount of techs available compared to anyone else. My friend always played them and he would crush me every time seeing as we were both noobish turtlers. Then I figured out I could always win if I did a composite bowman rush. He responded by starting to do bowman rushes. So I had to respond by starting to do scout rushes.

It was a cascade into madness. We went from our games lasting an average of 2 hours down to and average of about 12 minutes in the course of a single weekend.

@GepardenKalle said:

@DesAnderes said:
I love playing the Hittites.

It was a cascade into madness. We went from our games lasting an average of 2 hours down to and average of about 12 minutes in the course of a single weekend.

That is hilarious :lol:

Assyria, i loved the name and always felt that i could do well in all ages (Rush in Tool with Axe “■■■” Men + Bowmen. Chariot Archers and Hops/Brodes in Bronze. If i let it go to Iron then i’d try to beef with a LARGE amount of Horse/Chariot Archers. Dat 40% fire rate, and Helios. Not perfect by far and never really got a chance to test my metal online but i always feel comfortable and confidant with “Assy”

I love to play with infantry and I like their legion bonus and also their OP-towers with +2 range.
The variety of units, they have the horse archer, and the helepolis.

But on water maps, I must go for the Minoans.

If I got to go for a second, Sumerians, after Babylon, both are very good late game.

Of course if I want to just go Ceaser on someone? Romans for days. lol

Egypt was the least gold dependent late game with their amazing chariots. Which meant they could save it all for uber range priests!

Sumerian massed heavy catapults were the deadliest army in the game. The stone age villager rush on small maps was also hilarious when you pulled it off.

Babylon had the most fun campaign in my mind. Especially the one where you start with nothing but a single priest.

Babylonians-Minoans-Choson. I like history and love Babylonian and Minoan ones so much, so I ‘feel’ more the game when playing as one of them. Choson because is one of the most complete civs in the game, and I play with them so aggresively >:) .

My godness… is that remake really happening? I still can’t believe it.

When I was a kid, I didn’t play the original AOE seriously enough to get a feel for which civs are great to play.

Part of the reason I love AOE is that I love learning about history, and I do have some favourite Empires in History.

As a Christian, I’ve grown up hearing about the Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks, and Romans. I love that they are all represented in this game.

Who can go past the idea of playing as the greatest empire of the Western world – the Romans?