When did Sparta using spear man?

Sparta was a country that used hoplites, which were strong warriors trained early. Heavy weapons and equipment (spear supported by sword and shield) those were normal weapons of Spartan why didn’t they get the bonus damage with cavalry? look at Berserk why did they have it while they were warriors using axe and swords? why did the spear weapon have to equip another type of spear for soldiers? and Sparta used strong crossbows. too much lack.
Beside UU name of Sparta is wrong + way to build.
Chariot get 8 damage bonus to Infantry?.
Can understand they build Sparta for using in AOE 2 but need look at history for it. Or better need DLC for. AOE1 ROR,

Sparta had a lot of none Spartans in their army. There is even a direct reference to that in their unique technology “Helot Levies”.
Spartans themselves only made up the core elite part of the Spartan army while many other tasks like Skirmishers were done by people from occupied cities.


Tbh Hoplites could’ve been regional trash UU instead

Hoplites were heavy infantry, it makes no sense for them to be a trash unit at all.

Do you hate Hoplites or why do you think that should be the case?

This would be especially strange because they were by far the most expensive Infantry in AoE1 and had really high stats there.


AOE2 Halbs are heavy infantry historically. It’s more about easy to identify units than something confusing. AOM Hoplites are just same as Spearman line. Right now its just discount Kamayuk at Barracks.
Besides Hoplites we have like 5-6 Spear like units and very hard to distinguish

Chronicles Hoplites have no bonus damage vs. cavalry they are practically a lot closer to the Milita Line.

None of the other spear like units are trash though.
Some of them have very different stats.

Also it doesn’t matter if they look similar because you won’t encounter Chronicles civilisations in ranked.

But I also dislike that the spearman line is a trash unit in the first place.
I am pretty sure this DLC would completely flop if some of the most iconic units in it were literal trash.
People want to relive 300 and not see their Hopiltes die as soon as a Skirmisher appears in the screen.

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wasn’t history Hoplites were primarily deployed against Cav? That’s how Alexander won technically?
I don’t see why ppl would dislike cause they are “non-gold” units. We have Winged Hussar already.
BTW, many historians do believe whole 300 is more of a Spartan propaganda. Even many ancient historians questioned it many times. For game balance reason within campaign, you make some objectives easy or beef up units someway to relive that action. AOE2 base game already does it. Tatars Camels by default kills elephant in mass while in campaign they just brought on your side. Sure many other things can be done. In real game they still die to anti-Infantry options.

The whole idea of combined arms warfare is something that only really developed under the Macedonians (which are not in the DLC yet).
Geek cities just almost exclusively fielded Hoplites, all other unit types were mercenaries or slaves that were given “inferior” equipment.
So Hoplits main purpose was fighting other Hoplites. But that is also true for most Spearman in human history before and after that.
I still think Chronicles Hoplitles should get at last something against Cavalry other then having good melee armour.

Hoplites were generally more heavily equipped then most units of it’s time.

Macedonian Phalanx had some key differences compared to what the Greeks deployed. They used way way longer spears so even the ones form the 3rd row could poke out at the front.
The Chronicles Hoplites have a range of below 1, so they can not even attack from the 2nd row.
Macedonian Phalanx could definitely have at last 1 range to at last get 2 rows to attack like Kamayuks. Maybe their unique unit will essentially be a slow but heavy Kamayuk.


Nope hoplites were used against anything that came head on.they were the backbone of any ancient army till tactics caught on to them.
Even later pike and shot tactics is based off ancient hoplites.

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Pike and shot is more based in the Macedonian Phalanx which is very diferent from hoplites

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Pike and shot is also very based.


Not at all. The only thing that isn’t as people may think, is that the 300 were not actually alone:

After the second day of the Battle of Thermopylae, a local resident named Ephialtes revealed to the Persians the existence of a path leading behind the Greek lines. Subsequently, Leonidas, aware that his force was being outflanked by the Persians, dismissed the bulk of the Greek army and remained to guard their retreat along with 300 Spartans and 700 Thespians. It has been reported that others also remained, including up to 900 helots and 400 Thebans. With the exception of the Thebans, most of whom reportedly surrendered, the Greeks fought the Persians to the death.


Auxiliary unit contain skirmisher, throwing stone, cross bow, but just a little. Athena the same but they get cross bow unbalance :expressionless::expressionless:. Hoplite do not similar they are heavy unit and anti cavalry( every unit but cavalry important and true with logic of AOE2 -_- .

No I mean they need to add true damage to cavalry, they are not trash unit special royal guard of Spartan. Do not Sejuany need similar centurion of AOE 1( a bit and all hoplite unit need true damage with horse unit)

They are strong unit may with 2 range spear but low melle and pierce armor .
Name of UU Sparta always call for change name.

Why? The Hippeis were the bodyguards of the Spartan kings, it’s apt as an unique unit. Is it because “hippeus” means horseman? It doesn’t really matter, since the Spartans used that name for their bodyguard even if they weren’t mounted on horseback.


Yes, Hippeis (plural) was a legacy name of the Spartan royal guard of honour, they didn’t have to be mounted in order to have this name (which means cavalrymen).


Hmm any information for this ?? I need some original information. Not thing I hear about that. Thank you so much if you have and if had it fail and lacking from me but for now yes it only use for cavalry.

“The kings and the hippeis” paragraph:

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Thank let I seek it, still have many thing talk about this DLC :grin::grin::grin:

After Peloponnesian war, they called by hippeus ( cavalry). So the name can make huge mistakes. And Sparta need heavy cavalry :expressionless::expressionless::expressionless: name the same need change. Noway Sparta look at this DLC very bad, same with auxiliary unit( skirmisher- to killed melle armor, slinger, cross bow) lack much thing. I will still write it for later.

You shouldn’t compare the Spartans to normal AoE2 civs because they are only balanced to fight the other 2 civilisations form Chronicles.

Also if it turns out that Spartans are to weak the balance will change in future patches.
The game is supposed to be balanced. I know you want super strong Spartan Hoplites but they can’t beat everything, or else everyone would always just pick Sparta. That would make the game very boring.

Chronicles civilisations are generally all missing more technologies then AoE2 civs and some technologies don’t even exist in Chronicles at all like no Gambeson, no Bombard Cannon and no Siege Onager.

We will have to see how balanced Chronicles will end up being when it releases and how they will design future Chronicles civilisations.