When it comes to military what are your funnest and least fun civ for you personally?

Most fun: France

Positives: Has access to Crossbowman, Pikeman, Musketeer, Halberdier, Skirmisher, Hussar, Cuirassier, Dragoon and Grenadiers to go along with all European Artillery and can all be improved with cards. Also can always use natives no matter the map and has cards to improve them. Can use map specific Outlaws.

Negatives: Doesn’t have Cavalry that is as fun to use as Lakota.

Least fun: Mexico

Positives: Can get access to some natives regardless of map with some age up choices.

Negatives: Only has 3 normal Infantry with Insurgente, Soldado and Salteador and 1 of them the Insurgente can’t be improved past Veteran let alone to Imperial unless you had revolted. Can’t use map specific Outlaws.

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Malta es muy entretenida, muchas torres, cañones fijos y mucho fuego. Favorita de los pirómanos .

Me aburre un poco los Haudeenosaunee, economía mala, los peores guerrilleros y peor caballería cuerpo a cuerpo.
Los manteletes (asediadores) para mi gusto necesitarían el efecto de evasión y colocarse por delante de los ejércitos, no atrás.


I think I understand now why I’m the only one in the forum who enjoys this civ.


La verdad es que tengo una relación de amor odio con México.
El soldado es excelente tanto en gameplay como en concepto como en lo divertido que es tener un hibrido de mosquetero y granadero. Las haciendas son excelentes edificios economicos que sin estar rotos te dan mucha flexibilidad. Pero muchas de sus opciones más interesantes son a coste de otras, incluyendo unidades.
Lo mismo podría decir de Suecia.
Los Caroleans y los cañones de cuero son unas de las unidades que más rompen el molde en europa pero sin caer en ser pura novedad, pero lo malo es que está constantemente tratando de pelearse con Alemania el puesto de “La civilizacion de mercenarios”.
USA se me hace una civ que si tienes un buen inicio se juega casi casi en automatico, y por tanto, aburrida.
Malta es top si ignoras las unidades importadas que solo aburren.

Most favorite: Dutch

Most usable halberdiers, top tier skrims via cards, strong skrim goon. Mercs include trainable highlanders, fusiliers, royal horsemen, and stronger stradiots. All that extra gold and popspace makes it the best merc or artillery civ in my eyes.

Least favorite: Chinese

Its just a pain to use no matter what. There are stronger options with less effort.


Germans, I can do whatever I want with natives and mercs.

Want musk? Go Prince-Electors, you have 3 to chose from even if you have to wait for fortress (of course you chose Hannover and raid with your speed musks)
Mounted or Dismounted skirms Age II skirms are on the table though with Habsburg

Cuirassier? Bit wood heavy sure, but I’ve seen it work out and you can send cheaper natives to get cost down

One pop cav spam to go along with your Uhlans? Why not

Pseudo skirm/musk hybrid with high AT on a budget? Got you covered

Want an APC with high ranged damage and range or a tanky goon with devastating melee attack? No problem

What about great merc play? Here you go 15% AT and HP in Fortress, great shipments and 4 barracks for training a good selection of mercs.

Wanna combine some? Why the hell not?
Not all of them are game winning strategies in high elo, but it’s fun.

Least fun: The African civs, they just have tedious mechanics I don’t feel like getting into.


Favorite: Portuguese

18 Range on my Dragoons, Cassadors are fast, Organ Guns, Range 48 Mortars, lots of fun.

Honorable Mention: The Dutch

Ruyter/Skirm. Both are great, gotta love the ease of pull-trick with 1pop Dragoons. Also Red Lancers run fast like Ruyters.

Least Favorite: Probably India, maybe China.

India: Sorry, infantry are too slow.

China: Too many units types, too hard to micro 18 trillion different units simultaneously.

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yeah, I hate that some civs get no equivalent to military drummers like India (especially India their military just moves painfully slowly if you don’t go camels and also Hauds when you go Tomahawk, I want SPEEEED.

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Most fun: US

Gats are fun to use; Magyar Huss without Rev; using Marines; a buttload of fun Cards like the Immigrant Cards that really change the way you play the civ; good, fun Outlaws; Cree as a guarranteed Native Alliance are one of the best; the Federal States Age Up system is awesome; basically like Mexico but easier to pick up.

Least fun: Ports

Little historical flavour; only good late game army comp is Caçador/Goon/Arty; horrendous selection of trainable Mercs; no guarranteed Native Alliance; boring, crappy Cards (Ports don’t get a single, fun meme-y strat because of them); Booming is the only decent strat; constant need to micro (I hate microing); constant need to spend food at TC in order to actually have an Eco Bonus.

The duality of mankind


Something I find interesting is that Portuguese and the US are, in fact, relatively similar.

Skirm/Goon civs that like their TCs and have anti-infantry artillery that are weaker vs buildings. Both are kinda FF boomy civs that can turtle.

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Both emphasize long range often too
One requires vills to operate, the other optional but yeah I can see it

God imagine ports with marines…

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Well, well, well…

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That is also one of the reasons why I’m not a fan of current Ports: the US just does what they do but in a far more unique and interesting manner and have way more interesting Cards and strategies.


For me the least fun are the Native American civs, because they have no artillery wich is the most fun of the game, like watch those toy soldiers fly is so satisfying.

The exception is Hauds, but it’s gameplay and eco are so bad that you can’t take advantage of light cannons until super late game.

In top of that, those civs where hard nerfed for late game, removing the advantage they suppose to have for the lack of artillery.

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Favourite by far: Germans

They just have so many cool and strong options through their mercs and royal houses that you can play them so many different ways. Plus Doppelsoldners are super satisfying to use.

My least favourite are probably the native Americans, their unit rosters are very limited and they feel like they can only rush and have no lategame.

Most fun: Japan

Least Fun: Ethiopia

Japan is such an incredibly versatile civ and I frankly love the art. While I enjoy the US and Mexico civs for their strategic versatility, I just like the Japanese aesthetic better.

As for Ethiopia, I hate the wonky, gimmicky start and most importantly, I hate how they have such terrible tools to deal with artillery spam. The most irritating feature the AI has in the late game is that it loves to do nothing but spam waves of 5 falconets at a time. If you don’t have something that aggressively kills the darned things, the game gets really annoying really fast because you just can’t beat the defender’s advantage (ie it takes longer for the attacker to get his new units to the battlefield, so once the initial wave is worn down, the defender always has a numerical advantage). When you deal with AI that defaults to falconet spam + halb/musk in front of it, you sort of have to build armies that can deal with it effectively. Ethiopia has the worst ability of all of the civ, IMHO, to do so.

The most fun: Lakota
The least fun: Haudenosaunee

The gameplay of Lakota is quite flexible, with a variety of infantry and cavalry combinations that are very good. In addition, it has strong treasure collection ability in the early stage, and can also drag its own base to run at any time. By stacking the attributes of each card, you can obtain quite powerful units
Under regular gameplay, Haudenosaunee is almost a replica of a European, and due to fewer box resources and the strange handling of battle axe soldiers, it is quite uncomfortable to play, especially on maps without water bodies.

that’s why you drag box lol

Having skirms with different ranges and cav with different speeds is annoying though.