When will release the DLC Return to Rome of AoE II?

Yeah it’s crazy ! AOE (AOM included) is in the top 3 best franchise. These “Definitive editions” was the smartest thing they could do and Microsoft have some gold in their hands with several years of profitability.

Just a pity that AOE4 is a bit bad…

Yes, with the MS saga you can release expansions until 2030 or so…xd

And that’s if you don’t count that in 2023, you have RoR in May, an Southeast/Central Asian/Middle Eastern expansion for 3 DE in July-August, AoM Retold in October and AoE 4 on Xbox at the end of the year (December)…


I mean May its for real

I guess I was correct about RoR releasing by the end of this semester.

The second DLC however will probably be a 2-civ DLC released in late 2023. Probably November.

Content? Who knows. Can be anything from Asia, Africa, Europe or the Americas.

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I think it will be in August… and according to the devs it would be like DoI (that is, they are going to divide some main civ), that is, it could be the Slavs (Balkans / Caucasus) or the Incas (an expansion in South America) …

The original message could be interpreted in many different ways.

2021 was full of releases and 2022 slowed down in the second half because they were busy with the Xbox ports (and maybe started working on AoMR).

Knight of the Mediterranean released on May 26th last year so RoR is nearly an entire year later.
So nearly a year without any DLC. AoE3DE and especially AoE4 got a lot of free content though.
AoE2DE got the Xbox release which is obviously super important for some people while being completely useless for others.

The roadmap is so old that they maybe didn’t even start development of the next DLC after RoR when they published it.
So maybe they were still figuring out why people liked Dynasties of India and were literally just taking notes.

I really doubt they would still be in such an early stage. I’d say they have the whole concept already, and some alternatives for ideas that are better on paper only. If it’s two civs only, it might be able to be developed in half a year, but if there are more I think they need to be putting some work on it while RoR get its final polishing


The Roadmap is nearly a year old.
I don’t think they have been developing the second DLC since considering that it’s not even announced yet.
Before that there was half a year between DLCs so I don’t think they need over a year for a DLC.

I think it was half a year between them because they were “half a DLC” when compared to the HD’s. They all had 4 civs and were released with one year interval between them.

Dynasties of India which had 3-4 civs was less then a year after Dawn of the Dukes.

And the DLC that we are talking about will likely take another half a year until it’s released.
We’ll also have to see how many civilisations it will include.

Yes, in 2021 it was a non-stop of the saga (two expansions for both games). Already in 2022 it returned to the normal rhythm of one expansion per year…

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Don’t you have to count the aoe4 anniversary and the aoe2 Xbox as releases too?
The first one is clearly like a DLC and the Xbox might even took more effort than a 3 civ dlc.
With that it does look less empty.

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Making civs for AoE2 is very little effort.
The DLCs are not about buying civilisations.

There is usually only 1-3 unique units, 1-2 unique building skins per civ for a DLC. There has been no new architecture set in AoE2DE since release.
Yes you need to balance those civilisations but it’s not that hard and they still always release somewhat unbalanced.

AoE3DE got a free update at the 25th anniversary event that added more new units then any AoE2DE DLC did.

AoE2DE DLC were always released with 3 full campaigns though while AoE3DE ones just got a hand full of historic missions.

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After this DLC what are the chances, we see more by the end of the year?

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Do I have to post the roadmap again?