Where do you want the next civilization/DLC from?

i think his point is that rather than making 15 new units for 1 factions you create 3 factions with 5 each.


Well, let’s say those new factions each get 5 new units/buildings. Then there’s the explorer which has a unique model as well. A home city to create, voice acting.I don’t think its that simple. There’s programming to be done as well ofc. Each of those new civs needs a bunch of new cards.

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Prefiero civilizaciones del nuevo mundo. Me gustarían los Mapuches, Argentina y Brasil.

Lo mas probable es que la próxima civilización del nuevo mundo sea Brasil pero, yo preferiría que la próxima civilización sean los Mapuches y luego un DLC de Argentina y Brasil (Con batallas históricas incluidas).

En segundo lugar me gustaría alguna civilización asiática o de oriente medio.

Pero lo mas importante es que sean civilizaciones divertidas de usar :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Middle east, Persia. Always wanted it in AOE3


se for pra ser sempre quebrado como foi como os mexicanos e africanos e melhor não ter mais DLCS

Personnellement j’ai accueilli les dlc avec joie, certes les civs des dlc africains et mexicains ont à leur sortie fait couler pas mal d’encre, mais si on devait pour cela arrêter de sortir des civs sous le prétexte que c’est broken ou naze, alors aoe 3 classique n’aurais jamais évolué et on aurait pas vue Warchief et AD, je préfère voir le verre a moitié plein personnellement, mais ceci dit j’espère que l’équilibrage continue à être peaufiné.

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Although I voted for European content, I feel we need at least +1 or 2 civs for Asia and Africa.
I see a lot of people asking for the separation of the German civ in Austria and Prussia, although I believe it could actually be cool, I know it would hardly happen, so why not ask for something simpler, like a little revision of some cards and politicians to better represent the states who made up the HRE?
But something that I actually think would be very interesting is the creation of unique skins (at least for shared units) for the units that receive the Royal Guard, or that are delivered by Church technologies.

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Why miss Denmark, Argentina, Paraguay, Peru and Chile out?:denmark::argentina::chile::paraguay::peru::joy::joy::joy:


I would as a huge fan of the Mod Napoleonic Era like to see Italy, Poland-Lithuania, Denmark and perhaps prussia/HRC/Austria.


I loved the prussians in the napoleonic era mod, but the italians were done dirty there regarding units imo, also too much emphasis on religion, while in reality the papal states were already in decline…

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Even in decline the Papal States had a great influence, especially countries like Spain, France and Austria, they were together with the Kingdom of Naples the most stable Italian state during the game’s timeline, losing their influence significantly in the Final Era, after the French Revolution .
The Italians in NE were not OP because of the military units, but because of the economic bonus they had.
Prussia, on the other hand, had a musketeer with skirmish bonuses in the ranged attack, this unit was enough to form the bulk of the army.Their totenkopf hussars and grenadiers were also very good.


just wanna say but the lead dev behind NE, who now works for Forgotten empires, has said that they wont be adding more german states, specifically austria.

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Yes, yes, and in fact there is no reason for it, as the current civ represents all the former german states. Separating Austria from Germany would be like asking an independent civ to represent Catalonia, separating it from the Spaniards in the game.

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Eastern Europe and Middle Eastern Asia are underrepresented. Ottomans and Russia hardly account for all the cultures there.

I can see a dlc for Australia and maybe for the Oceania and arctic regions as well.

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there is not exactly many eastern european states in the periode.

only really the PLC is notably missing from eastern europe, everyone else was a slave to either the austrians, ottomans or russians.

i dont think we will get austrialia, in fact i straight up hope we dont, but i can see maps as part of a oceania DLC.

what faction would you add from arctic if you dont mind me asking?

Canada can also be added in the upcoming DLCs, and here comes the possible roster of them in AOE3:

  • Heavy infantry: Citizen Militia, Foot Guards, Troupe de la Marine
  • Light infantry: Fencibles, Gorham’s Rangers, Voltigeurs de Quebec
  • Heavy Cavalry: Mississauga Horse
  • Light Cavalry: Mounted police

i am pretty confident in saying they will not add Canada.

yes we got a historical battle but there where no new units or even cards in that battle, something the other factions that later got added had. they are just not seriously going to add canada, its already kinda pushing it having them as a revolution.


Not a big fan of additional civs but if they are going to do it , I’d prefer Morroco , Iran and Italy .
And Also Eurasian minor civs


Quiero civilizaciones y mapas de Europa, Asia y América del sur.

Italianos y mapas europeos.

Coreanos y mas mapas asiáticos.

América del sur:
Mapuches, Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Perú y Colombia además de mas mapas de américa del sur.

Soy consciente de que no son una civilización pero me encantaría una facción de piratas y mercenarios, podrí ser una facción mucho mas personalizable.

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i still dont see Italy as being particularly interesting nor a deep enough faction to actually make stand alone.

i mean obviously its hard to say what it takes to be standalone but Italy probably dont even get 6 unique units, at least based on what one could expect reasonably.

also based on current new world nations it seems unlikely well get anything more than brazil, like you need 20 states so yeah, pretty much excludes argentina, peru etc. not to mention that would be an extreme amount of “lategame” content.

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