Hello. In AOE2: DE, i often play with Monks and love to convert units. I just want to know that which civilization has the best and worst monks. In my mind, these are the best number wise:
I ranked Spanish lower than you because of the castle requirement. Bohemians still make my list because I think trash monks can be used to counter siege late game when lacking gold, whereas I wouldnt use Spanish monks in late game.
I think lacking atonement (and to a lesser extend block printing) are big drawback, just like lacking Redemption or Sanctity. Because you may have more hp, but if you are unable to convert monks (in addition to mangonels), it kind of sucks on arena.
For me, the best Monks are Spanish ones. They convert so fast with Inquisition that the opponent just doesn’t know what hit them. Second is Aztecs, because of the extra hit points. Bohemian Monks are really good too.
I suppose the worst ones would be the Mongol, Hun, and Viking Monks, because of how many different techs they’re missing.
Overall, i rank Aztec monks as best since i think the biggest weakness of a monk is its low hit points. Aztec monks are strong in both Castle and Imperial age due to that bonus. With Aztecs monks, i basically feel too much protective too convert units and often dauntlessly convert Galleons, Archers and Cavalry.
Spanish monks are good too but after the Inquisition Unique tech that requires a Castle and an an upgrade. The missionary isn’t much good either. Despite of that tech, Spanish monks still struggle against strong units due to their hp which Aztecs monks don’t.
It is not only about techs, but also about which techs.
But I agree that Dravidians do not look like bottom 5, I would much rather have the HP of sanct than Fervor speed.
This is a good catch, Teutons are definitely top 5 thanks to their innate conversion resistance.
I would put them in my list instead of Burmese. Burmese are a discutable pick anyways because their tech discount partially replace the eco bonus of other civs: what they saved for monks techs, other civs maybe saved it already during Feudal (Teuton Farms, Bohemians villagers, …).
Teutonic monks are good but i don’t think they are much good to become a monk rush civlization. They don’t have a particular bonus for their monks (tghir team bonus is mostly useful for units rather than for monks). Thats why i excluded teutons. I think Aztecs as the Top one monk rush civ due to their good relic bonus, all techs available and strong hp (Hp is the most weakest point of monk). For me, Spanish come later.
They do, though. People usually forget this, but teutonic monks have double healing range. One of the interesting implications of this is that you won’t be able to see your opponent’s units getting healed if you are going to fight with just knights.
If your opponent doesn’t have good ranged units, it’s usually worth it to bring a few monks just to heal from a range.
Correct. You can just miss redemption, sanctity and fervour and have everything else, and you’d still be bottom tier.
I’ve made my criteria clear on that comment. Any civ that misses redemption, and at least one of speed and HP are bottom tier for me. Extra HP is nice against knights, but pretty useless against scouts. Extra speed is perfect for collecting relics, and running away after conversions. You need both, imo.
@filtercoffee488, now i seem to agree with you. Now i think excluding teutonic monks from top would be unfair. And i think Byzantine monks also deserve a place here. I though put Aztec monks at top 1#. Teutonic monks at 4#, 5# or #6.
For monk rushes: #1. Portuguese → -20% gold cost. #2. Burmese → cheaper techs #3. Slavs → extra movement speed / Bengalis → extra armor #4. Bohemians → Free mining upgrades and previously, cheaper monasteries. Fervour and Sanctity benefit villagers… further incentivizing you to get them #5. Teutons → Conversion resistance + healing range / Lithuanians → Faster monasteries
Using monks defensively: #1. Slavs / Bengalis #2. Aztecs #3. Teutons → Healing range, conversion resistance and free herbal medicine #4. Portuguese #5. Byzantines → healing speed, cheaper imperial upgrade (which helps you get monk techs like illumination, theocracy and block printing sooner) /
Lithuanians → Faster Monasteries
Late game monks:
Must have all monk techs plus maybe something extra. Herbal medicine is optional. Not having Heresy is a deal breaker here.
#1. Spanish → Missionary, inquisition, gold bonuses (trade and researches provide more gold, blacksmith upgrades don’t cost gold) #2. Aztecs → +5 HP per monk tech which involves getting very expensive techs (like Heresy and Faith) to reach their full 95 HP #3. Bohemians (tech to make them cost food, villagers benefit from fervour and sanctity (related but not actively used). Trade bonus helps get trade out sooner too. #4. Teutons #5. Byzantines
I disagree with Aztecs being number one. They really need a lot of Monk techs to get really tanky, and that’s not something all that feasible with monk rushes.
Hmm… fair enough. I agree that Aztecs get no immediate bonus for their monks. But for a monk rush, we typically need Sanctity, fervour and redemption, right? The Aztec economy is good… but yeah, I see your point. I’ll edit the list.
Bengalis are the strongest for monk rushes and it isn’t even close. On top of +3/+3 armour on monks, bengalis also resist bonus damage from scout cavalry. On top of those, they also get conversion resistance once they get their UT.
What? The only one of these that Bengalis actually have is the +3/+3 armor. The bonus damage resistance is for elephants, as is the conversion resistance, and they don’t have a UT that affects conversion resistance.