Which civilization should be removed from AoE2?

I wouldn’t remove any, but if I HAD to remove one it would be Romans


It’s not, it’s extremely good for a strategy game, on Arabia every civ is over 45% winrate, that’s insanely good considering all the possible combinations, and the civ with the lowest winrate, Italians, thrives in other maps (water maps).
The balance isn’t perfect, don’t get me wrong, but it’s pretty damn good.

It shows, because it’s clear you just don’t know what you are talking about.


If you had to sacrifice one of your children, which one would you choose?

Why would I ever want a civilisation to be removed from the game?
Like even if there where civilisations like the USA the Sumerians and the Zerg in the game I wouldn’t want them to be removed.

The better question is which Civilisations should be reworked.

Some civilizations are beyond the scope of rework like Romans and Sicilians. All they deserve is a kick out. It hurts my eyes to see them in the list. They are beyond non sense.

If you don’t like them, don’t play them.
You can argue that they shouldn’t be available in ranked or something, but ranked is not realistic anyway. What have the Mayans to do in Arabia?

Removing content from a game is not good.
You would have to remove campaigns too and brake many scenarios that the community made.

Plus the Romans already appeared in the Huns campaign 24 years ago.

You seriously think they should be removed from everyones games because you get slightly annoyed to see them in the list?


None should be removed.

Reworking, sure go ahead. But it matters little how long a civ stays “in limbo”, how long have the Koreans been waiting to finally be good, 24 years and counting ?

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Voted the Britons only because how much of a thorn on the side they were to France, still love mowing down their archers with cavalry so I don’t want them removed.

As for the Romans, yes the Huns (a player-favourite civ) opened the gates for them when introduced. All the Huns did were scaring the Romans for a few years, then they vanished, and tying them to other peoples like the Xiongnu or the Hephtalites is still speculation. While the Western Romans did much more from 395 to 476 then some short-lived successor states, and can still be used later (former roman areas in a Belisarius campaign for example)

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Joined 1hr ago just to voice your opinion,not a great job at hiding your alt.



Some people like alpaca or the daft guy cant face backlash on opinions and if its completly against the idea of aoe2 ofc they get hate

But alt accing allready daamn thats low from him/them

Voicing my opinions makes me alt account?

None of them.

But if I had to pick one I’d pick the Romans. They don’t belong in the timeline.

“But Huns and Goths”. Huns and Goths existed in the Dark Age, the Romans did not. Literally the Dark Age began after the fall of Rome.

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Complete nonsense take. All civs and unique units can be sorted into a generic categories based on their strengths, e.g. Cavalry civ, Archer civ, Monk/Elephant civ, Infantry Civ, Cav Archer Civ etc. As a beginner, it makes no difference how many civs there are, because the number of civ categories never changes. Unlike aoe4 and other RTS games, all civs in aoe2 can do the same generic strategies, e.g. Man at Arms, Archers, wall up and fast castle etc. So as a noob you learn the generic categories and counters and the number of civs has no impact on that learning process whatsoever. That is, unless you make the mistake of choosing to unnecessarily complicate it by treating every civ as completely unique with no crossover.


I’d remove all civs past AoC. And perhaps even those five from the first expansion, which I never really liked too much. I think it would make the game overall better.
But, I have to admit, this opinion comes from the a person who plays the game in pretty irregular intervals.

This topic gave me an idea… posting it soon

Christ Gargenesis this new You and your alt shtick is more effort than I expected of you!


Done, I think this would make everyone happy at least for singleplayer :

Unpopular opinion: the original Koreans, as they appeared in The Conquerors version 1.0, are the best civilisation. They should be restored, and all other civilisations should be rebalanced around them.

Not sure if I’m joking. I do miss those long-ranged War Wagons and Siege Onagers.


The Huns stopped existing before the West Roman Empire.


Why are you playing this version then? You can play in Voobly if you are still wanting to go back to the 1999 version


They should get the hwacha to replace onagers.

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