Which civilization should be removed from AoE2?

AoM Retold - Sorry. Did you say something?


yeah it is not the best move to remove the Chinese just to sell them again in a DLC.


Oldies here are stubborn it seems. They cannot welcome newbies.

Then the Goths and Huns should go too.

You arent new either Gargenises!


You are doing a very bad job at policing. You should retire Gargenwhatever.

Ill retire you so hard, youll never even get to become old

Leave him dude he and his friend are crazy.

1 day old account that has an extreme view which no one agrees with, is backed up by an 11 hr old account. Nothing suspicious at all.


Ranked matchmaking and all kind of QoL features, which are quite good. I never played on voobly, just MS gaming zone in the old days, and then I came back to the game with the definitive edition.

I wouldn’t say removed, but I do want Georgians reworked. The only reason they have a “balanced winrate” right now is because of their unique unit. Other than that, their start is very complicated and anyone who knows how to play it correctly likely wins most of the games they play as Georgians.


I am fine with renaming the Sicilians the Normans.

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I thought you were going to say “reworked to make them more historically accurate.” That should be done, along with the Armenians, but they’ve been out for too long now.

Me too. It’s really disappointing that one of the quintessential medieval conquering powers, the Normans, isn’t present in the game under the actual name.

Their architecture should probably change too, necessitating a new Castle. The Tower of London can simply be used as their new Wonder.

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Oh not this thing again, Its been a year man let it go


Lords of the West was a mistake.


They were very active in other parts of the world.

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The Avars are believed to have links to Huns. There is some evidence in research in recent years. In the game, the Huns represent the nomadic Asian forces that penetrate deep into Europe and interfere in European history, which is a characteristic fitting the Avars. Currently the Avars are also represented in the game by Huns. If the Avars can reasonably be considered part of the civ of Huns in the game, then they had existed after the fall of Rome. Btw, the Kutrigurs and Utigurs, considered by ancient historians to be remnants of the Huns, could be represented by Huns too.

White huns hephthalites and black huns were also active in asia.

Joan of Arc.

Edit: sorry, wrong game

Not a historical game.

Not even that. The timeline beginning before the Fall of Rome was established all the way back in The Conquerors.

lol because they were gone before the Huns even appeared in Europe

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Early Italians and Iberians should be represented by the Romans and I will die on this hill.