Which civs would you like to see added first in DLC?

Hey, I appreciate the feedback and engagement. However, even if the main goal is to centralize discussion about new civs, it’s very clear that this poll is suboptimal for a pinned thread - just look at how many people go out of their way to say so.

If you look at the poll thread I made ([Poll] Which civs do you want to see in DLC? Corrected to include all relevant Age II civs), Spanish and Turks are in the top 5 for popularity (Turks are #2), but don’t even appear in this poll. Can I suggest merging the two threads, but making the poll from my thread the OP? If we’re to have a permanent pinned thread to discuss the possibility of new civs, it should not have a poll that misses some of the most popular civs, and instead includes a bunch of obscure ones that have never appeared in an Age game before.