Which factions do you thin should be added... from Late Antiquity?

Yeah, the Swahili and Shona were important in their own way. But I feel like making campaigns for Caucasus civs would be much easier and less redundant.


I agree that the Georgians would be interesting and fun, I just domt think threy are the only civ from an unrepresented region

Also yeah theres more material for campaign for the Caucasus ofc

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On the wiki, my Caucasian expansion has four civs: the Alans, the Armenians, the Georgians, and another civ whose name is censored. The first three have a new Caucasian architecture set, while the fourth has Central Asian.

The devs would probably only go with the Armenians and Georgians, but I wanted a more fleshed-out expansion.


Yeah, I did this poll for AoE2 because of the leaks about Romans for regular AoE2 and I thought it opened the door for other civs. I may create polls for AoE1 in the future though.

By the way, I agree on most of what you said in the previous post aside from the stepp nomads stuff. As I said, I’ve put some of those civs in here mostly to be thorough and not because I think they should be in the game, and I was surprised to see Gallics gather several votes early.


The Bulgarians in this game definitely don’t represent the early Turkic Bulgars.

Out of the poll, I voted for Vandals, Lombards, Guptas, Yemenis and I think Alans (for some reason my votes were apparently erased)


…Sort of. They represent the mixture of Turkic Bulgars and Slavs living in the area that ultimately resulted in the kingdom of Bulgaria.


At this point, just add USA, I mean they are adding Romans lol. Gokturks and Armenians are the only reasonable choices from here. Yes, I am disgusted by the addition of the Romans, it is just pure cashgrab. At least Sicilians and Burgundians fit the time period. Any reasonable developer team would’ve added Nubians or Armenians instead of Romans as they have ancient ties to Rome.

The game needs African, Asian and American civs urgently, we absolutely do not need Euro civs for 10 more DLC-s.


This is totally true, but it seems an important part of the community wants another Roman civ.


Bruh, the Huns and Goths literally fight the Romans in their campaigns.


Interesting, the Romans were first on top, but now they’re in third place behind the Armenians and Vandals.
Also, I’m surprised to see someone actually voted for Palmyrans.

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Yes, two other civs that shouldn’t be the game. They show that developers were no different 25 years ago

How exactly do the Goths not fit?

Romans are a contradiction: they are in the game without being in the game. In Attila and Alaric campaign, the Romans (as the Western Roman Empire) are an actual enemy, but they are depicted by Byzantines (the Eastern Roman Empire). So, Romans should be added for consistency reasons.
Someone could object: but they did not survive until the Renaissance, which is the last age in the timeline. I’d answer: neither Persians, or Goths, and so on.


Both of them survived.


What whatever it is worth, Justinian the Great reunified the Roman Empire in between 535 and 555.


No they don’t

  1. Persians (or Sassanids in the Late Antiquity era) got conquered by the rising Islamic Conquest.
  2. The Visigoths later got invaded by the Ummayads, so they run toward the mountains and became the Asturias (I don’t know if you can still call them Visigoths anyways)
  3. The Ostrogoths would later scattered to the winds by Justinian and Belisarius.

Byzantines are Romans. Identifying Eastern and Western parts as one being more Roman than the other is a modern construction

  1. Did they completely disappear like other places or did they adopt and still survive till day?

  2. Ever herd of crimean goths?

What do you mean they didn’t survive? Persians are Iranians, and obviously Iranians are still alive.

And Goths became Spanish, Portuguese and even Italian (I could be wrong about the last one), but that is true for Romans as well.


Sassanids are Persians under the Sassanian dynasty. Persians as a whole survive up until the modern day. The civ has elements of them from post Islamic Conquest.