Which factions do you think should be added to Africa?

Kongolese, Shona, Swahillis and Soniké (last i voted bad no Songhai, Soniké)

Lol Thd African Kingdoms is easily the best DLC we had in terms of factions.


Im pretty sure that the entire reason Celtd were added at all back in AoC was because of Braveheart and the Woad Raider futs well with that

But no idea honestly

Sure, we can’t know either way unless an ex-ES Dev e.g. Sandy Peterson says anything about it.

Escocia aunque no sea de África Egipto Nubia y jurchen

Scots are already celts and egyptians are saracens

This is for Africa. General picks go to the general poll

Also Celts represent Scotland more than anything else

Zimbabwe/mutapa or swahilis and kongo then have two African kingdoms on both sides of the continent,one in the Atlantic Ocean,the other in the Indian Ocean…

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It’s a shame to see how few african factions are in this game.


Yes, at least in AoE3 DE you have the minor civs to give Africa more representation…

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Talking about that, I think Africa is underrepresented there as well.


Eh I think AoE3 doesnt need to focus in Africa as much since it has a much clearer focus on a topic than AoE2 whivh kinda just includes everything in a 1200 year period and still has so much to cover elsewhere

AoE3 also extended its timeline a lot, and they already added African representation by now, so it’d be a waste if they stopped at just 2 playable civs and 5-ish minor ones.

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I agree that Africa in AoE3 is poorly represented, we still don’t have any Bantu civs and most (if not all) of the minor civs could be major ones. I once considered doing polls for civ additions to AoE3, but with major civs, minor civs and revolutions it would make things a little bit more complicated than it is for AoE2.

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Yes, I agree, although AoE 3 would be more focused on America and Europe during the colonial period (1500-1900), you have Levingston’s travels between 1841 and 1871, the Anglo Zulu war in 1879 and the Scramble for Africa in 1884…

Africa in Return of Rome and AoE 2 periods (500 BCE-1500 CE)…you can have Kush and Aksum in RoR and Hausa, Kanem, Kongo and Zimbabwe in AoE 2…

Africa before and after the Scramble for Africa (1880-1913)…in AoE 3 you can have Morocco (like full civ), Liberia, Kanem, Egypt (like full civ), Kongo, Merina, South African Republic (like full civ) and Zulu…and with Oman you can cover the Eastern Africa from the Horn to Zanzibar…


Swahili, Nubians, Hausa/Songhai, Bantu.

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