Which has better graphics, AoE3 DE or AoE4?

from what I’ve seen so far in Beta, game looks beautiful and Id play it over age 3DE for sure :slight_smile:


I played the beta version of the game for 6 hours. Overall I found the graphics nice. It is different from the previous games in terms of concept, but it is beautiful. Graphically, my criticism can be water. The sea chart is a bit sluggish. It would be nice to make improvements. AoE 3 water charts can be referenced.


so beautiful color and graphics!

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age 4 feels a bit like playing a mobile phone game in comparison to age 3, maybe it’s because it’s now on console so has been watered down to suit that.


i really want to say a thing , but beta NDA doesnt let me say anything

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I’m not on beta but i heard the news on graphics. Let me guess you are not satisfied with graphics

nah , its the oposite , i cant say nothing more!

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Glad to hear that. And it’s a beta not a final game it’ll have bugs

I am big fan for Age of Empires III but Age of Empires IV is better in my opinion, they bring something new.


Buildings in AoE4 are really more realistic. No doubt for me it’s 4.


This game has two big issues, one is the UI, is horrible it removes any immersion the colors and the icons are just awful, the second big issue are units, some of them feel cartoony, tier 4 units ( or imperial age) look better because of armor upgrades but tier1-3 looks to clean to my taste.


Since you are not in beta , I don’t know how you can tell this :confused:

AOE 3 DE, the orginal AOE 3 compared to AEO 4 , AOE 4 is better, but AOE 3 DE got a massive uplift and looks great, the models and units are very good looking and yes the you have human operators on siege weapons.

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anyone can see the reveal videos and get an insight. IF you go to a restaurant you don’t need to eat entire menu, just eat one dish and you can know the quality. It’s called phenomenology and all humans always use it.


reveal videos are usually very diffferent to the final product


I am also in the beta, I don’t see any difference, infact looks worse.

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no , it looks even better , i cant show any screnshot of the game because it will break the nda , but if you play with 1080p with max settings is really beautiful


I envy. I fulfill everything and I have to play low TEXTURES


AOE4 without doubts. This game will still be optimized both in terms of animation and textures.
I think this kind of improvement is not very difficult to deal until final launch.


I play with everything maxed out and it really isn’t pretty man… Models are super blocky, textures are lackluster to say the least, and because people complained about the vibrancy of the X2019 trailer now the game is just very dull and, well, the opposite of vibrant.