Who are the 5 new civs for this AoE2 Chinese DLC?

Damn, I hoped for 2-3 civs and the devs delivered 5 civs :smiley:
Hopefully, we’ll have 2-3 from Asia and 1-2 from other parts of the world. Maybe some missing Balkan like Vlachs or Serbs or American civs like Zapotecs.

The question is, who are the 5 new civs for this AoE2 DLC? The devs said they left clues. I guess “Chinese” would remain, they are too old school to be split like the Indians. But this time they will only represent the Han Chinese.

If I were to guess, I would say:

  1. Tanguts
  2. Jurchens
    3,4,5 ?

The devs said “For those that study today’s patch notes carefully, you’re likely to find some clues”.

I guess the castles could be a clue:

This is also a clue:
Pasture may hint to a Vlach new civ? But it may also hint to the Khitans.

This banner on “Random maps” may mean we get a Tenochtitlan-styled random map like the Tenochtitlan’s uprising map:

Or may also hint to an American new civ?

I’m curious whether the Tibetans would be part of the list, given the Chinese state and the potential for big sales in China. But this was already discussed to death on the forum and it’s better left to the lawyers.

Khitans is also a possible new civ. Same for Uighurs.

Also, I like that they add new Standard Maps + New Real World Maps. :smiley:

There’s also this:
Looks like new regional units.

Looking more into them, I think the 5 new civs are going to be: Tanguts, Jurchens, Khitans, Tibetans and Dali. So full Chinese DLC.


Khitans were confirmed by the Kara Khitai having their civ changed in the Genghis Khan campaign. And I would put money on the pasture being for them specifically.

Tibetans are confirmed by the design of the armoured spearman (single feather on the head is an iconic Tibetan design).

Dali were confirmed, as the wonder in the big image at the end has their kingdom’s official seal on one of the banners.

So it’s:

  • Tanguts
  • Jurchens
  • Khitans
  • Tibetans
  • Dali

This also gives a nice focus on the north/northwest-of-China area, which is much more prevalent in the western knowledge-base, while also giving the west (Tibet) and south (Dali) of the China area some representation as well.

Tbh my ideal (reasonable, I thought) outcome was just Tanguts, Jurchens, and Khitans plus campaign for one of Chinese or Koreans, so the other two, plus unique castles for new civs, plus all this other stuff, is far beyond my wildest dreams. I’m beyond hyped


I hope we can get Tai/Thai next.


So what I catched.

Pasture can be for the civ with the tech-tree preview 1. and not a unique civ.


Hopefully, this new DLC will not change the core of AoE2 that much.

The new units and civs look great, but I hope it won’t cross that line of changing AoE2 into something else.

There is nothing wrong with adding new civs with no new buildings, no new mechanics, no revolutionary stuff. Just different bonuses and unique unit but otherwise standard civs.

But yeah, I don’t think they’ll add any civs outside China, it’s a Chinese-themed DLC. So no Vlachs, Serbs or Zapotecs. I would have been good to have a split-world DLC but I think this DLC is going for 100% China.

I’m also curious why the “Montezuma” banner for Random maps?

I’m happy we get new Random maps & Real World maps. Hopefully, we’ll get more than 3.

I remember playing Dawn of War 1 back in the 2000s and there were some really cool map designs that I still remember to this day, here are some of the most popular ones back in the day:

Here, all players would start in map corners essentially, on a high ground, walled by nature on all sides except in the center. This made for a very defensible starting base. The main battle would be in the middle as the base was very difficult to take, except maybe by an early game rush.

The most interesting part about this one is that your ally would spawn in front/back of you, rather than on the side. In this sense the Pocket & Flank would basically be Back & Forward. This would lead to a huge frontline while the pocket player is more secure than ever.

This one had a few lakes in the middle.

In order to attack anyone, you would have to go through the middle, which will also let you be exposed to being attacked by anyone.

This one had a very interesting design. As you can see players always spawn on the side in the forest. But the most important things are on the middle of the map. They would have to get to the middle of the map to get the good stuff, so that’s where the most of the battle would be.


I can see the Elephant Archer & Eagle Warriors no longer on the tech tree. Did they redesigned the tech tree to remove regional units for a unit outside that region in the tech tree or was it simply to have archery range, barracks and stables all fit together?

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Yeah, they made it so that regional unit lines that a civ doesn’t get aren’t shown on that civ’s tech tree.

It’s not a big thing, but it would be nice if there was a toggle option, to toggle “show regional units” on/off and if on it will simply show you the unit with an X if your civ doesn’t have it.


Yeah basically unavailable regional are just not present visually, it’s in the pathcnote info.

Man… Its a shame that we arent getting a Turkic civ

Like, I wont complain anout the civs we are getting, thrm and the DLC lok amazing, but the impact of the Turkic states in Mongolia is huge and will remain unrepresented

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Maybe in the future with another Central Asian themed DLC - Khazar, Gokturks, Sogdians are very good candidates.


Honestly for me, this proposal and a SE Asia DLC with Chams and Siamese (along with this mega Chinese DLC that is incoming) and i’d be pretty content with the state of Asia and want to turn focus to Africa and the Americas more (or back to Europe for the Balkans DLC or the Barbarian invasion DLC i’ve been wanting)


Am I right to say we are not getting pandas as placeable cute units? Just the panda rock??


Would love more and more animals for my zoo scenario.


I’d say same. But middle eastern architecture set will be pretty empty with only Saracens and Turks. So maybe a Kurds civ to consider.

Berbers are still there.


Kurds Azeris and Egyptians are the only civis I can think of that fits that geographical area.

You’re seriously complaining about popular pandas passively partaking in play? Party pooper.


Give us pandas to use as actual units. That’s what I was asking for.