Why dont get nothing?

You need to experience. There is no brain transfusion that can work. You need to play a game before releasing it, you need to “love what you did” no lies, no shortcut there is in anything good.
It’s like calling good food McDonald, it’s poison for you and environment not just for else I won’t mention here… it supports wars.

There is no short cut. Anyway there are plenty of topics. and good posts by real players, not “sunday players” who pretend to be such… that explain how this was and how it has to be.

What really bugs me is that people do not feel the necessity for something. It’s like they have been sterilized or something.

I really can’t understand how people are ok with a game being a prison.

I have even been banned\blocked by Age of empires official twitter for asking them and sharing a short list (2 tweet thread) of what should be done and with much respect, but that is what they do. Silence, censor … same on the discord. Same people there… same pseudo volunteers oriented just to marketing and money making.

Silencing people that do not support the game with both blind eyes.

it’s just escruciatingly a betrayal of the mission of videogame design.

FOr your question you can see very well here the work I myself realized yesterday someone had posted about:

Here: Why the (online) interface of DE should be improved (2-3 YEARS AGO TOPICS!!!) – BUT MOST OF ALL CHECK SOME OF THE POSTS I ALSO MENTIONED in my late posts in those topics, check also freely the posts of random people along the months posting below, they SAY ALL, WE ALL SAY THE SAME THING, why? because we are educated to gaming and high level quality UX… and this is not like “fuss” it’s THE BREAD AND BUTTER OF GAME EXPERIENCE it builds communities it breeds success, it pushes more people to join… This stuff cannot be “invented” it’s there.
The wheel is there and who ignores it and doesn’t care is criminally ignorant.

Here: Let's talk about the DE interface once again

you can see lists of stuff here too:

I am gonna write it again:

-Rec Games must be always accessible 99% no issues
-Search player in game by name
-No censorship (this is not a game for under age targeted, this stuff feels like narrow minded and damages meeting other people)
-Online status must be there not only linked to Steam friendship it must be for EVERYONE
-In match status must be there it’s crucial
-Messages (so called Wishpers) must be there also allowed to be sent and logged to OFFLINE PLAYERS! It’s a crucial element!!!
-Messages cannot lag. They need to go fast.
-Improve matchmaking (but matchmaking will improve by itself by having more players which comes from making a better UI and UX and stopping with New DLC BS!!)
-Fix bugs like pressing View postgame\view map and having an automatic exit to lobby which means that is an archelogical issue that remained in the banners\tabs design and still is activated if you click just below the banner, fix also stuff like 1Gb+ of files that are useless to the game and should be removed from the 50GB total of unchecked unpolished crap the game features.
-Remove capital lettering and use Italic, remove all that abuse of GOLDEN YELLOW that has become the main Theme of the game over Brown low quality wooden background and reach the level of Ensemble Studios made etched woodwork you had (u can see in one of the links to topics… the idea is the Discovery age, the settlers time so it’s 1500 … 1600 you want to convey a meaning of ships, antiquity anyway, gun powder spreading… the game is centered on that time not industrial age or else… that is why adding DLC or civs that are UNEXISTENT or irrelevant in 1500 and later until late times, it’s not ok. They should be just partially appearing but not a “FEATURE US ALL BECAUSE I AM OF THIS NATION I AM OF THAT NATION” … this stuff needs to stop.
-Allow checking WHO IS IN A CLAN, (unless clan chief does disable that… anyway should be visible so people can learn who is in a clan)

  • Invest in servers
  • Multi tab navigation (simply what we have in this world since 1993: Hypertext NAVIGATION of the lobby is a like MUST the Ought to do that. it’s incredible it’s not there!
  • No drops in rated games
    -Rated Rooms Supremacy allowed (it has always been so there is no reason to force ppl to matchmake: so much that also casuals join it ruining the team gaming for ALL! People as a consequence tend to use double trple account and this fosters sales in a malicious way by developers! Smurfers are a plague of matchmaking! There are clearly effects that are started, and incentivated by the bad design! One of them is people leaving since the game features\service\UI\ UX is broken… how can’t they see it!!!
  • Units pathfinding can be a bit improved just a bit.
  • Stop DLC BS… the more civs u put the more units need to be learned: it’s imposssible for new players to learn everything and also for old ones that never really learned a lot of civs to actually learn old ones and new ones. It’s hard to balance the game mor civs are put in.

A GOOD GAME SELLS ITSELF by selling the base game (raise its price) STOP DLC BS.

It’s just madness how this stuff is managed by people without the smallest tiny bit of taste, understanding, competence, Blinding their ears to people with experience.


With a mod this stuff risks to be worse.

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