pull trick is an exploit of the games formation catchup system, granting units a large increase in movement speed. this manipulation of a units stats in a way that isn’t intended breaks balance and is similar to the machinegun exploit that let units like explorers drastically increase their attack speed. you are effectively adding move speed to a unit, gaining a substantial advantage over other players and ruining the integrity of ranked pvp.
its bad for the game because it breaks several fundamentals of RTS, that units behave according to their state page as well as the importance of spacing, distance and move speed. by using this exploit you can move your units at a far greater move speed then intended, trivializing the importance of distance. imagine if this exploit was available in age of empires 2, allowing your scouts to zoom across the map and the enemy base, always being able to escape enemy scouts and spears. or in StarCraft 2, where suddenly one players zealots can always escape the other players zealots even if one zealot was behind enemy lines. the games competitive integrity is directly harmed by allowing players to increase their units stats through exploiting bugs in the games mechanics.
it causes real harm to the game. it trivializes proper scouting around a treasure and ensuring you can kill a guardian before the enemy explorer arrives since they can zoom in from a much greater distance than they normally can. it reduces the importance and tension of being snared by the enemy explorer since you have access to a massive speed boost that you normally shouldn’t have, breaking the importance of spacing between explorers and trying to break snares through precise timing of counter melee or blocking with your scout. it reduces risks for making mistakes and mismanaging your explorer, while ensuring if the enemy explorer is ever close they can never escape. downing an enemy explorer or scout, saving your own or securing a treasure can be game deciding, and being able to manipulate these outcomes through exploiting bugs shouldn’t be tolerated.
it is hidden knowledge that benefits older players at the cost of new players. there is no way for a player without this knowledge to know why the enemy explorer broke their snare or is running them down, as the stat page shows that they both move at the same speed. meanwhile in game its clear the enemy explorer is moving faster than what their stat page is showing, breaking an expectation that units behave according to what their state page describes.
this is similar to seeing an explorer with low health and attempting to shoot them down, only for the enemy explorer to flick the auto setting on their rifle and shoot 5 times faster than their own explorer, despite being the same unit and the game showing they both have the same rof. while the player without this knowledge rightfully expects to win the shootout, the other explorer suddenly gains a drastic increase in damage output and wins the duel. without this hidden knowledge the player is at a massive disadvantage through no fault of their own, as the player with this knowledge can manipulate their units core stats through exploiting broken mechanics.
stuff like this drives newer players away from the game. its bad enough that their are so many bugs and crashes out there, why would new players be willing to stick around when older player exploit certain bugs? when the enemy explorer outperforms theirs with no way in game of knowing how?
the game would be better off if all such bugs where fixed.