Oh boy, do I have some thoughts!
I don’t really mind the new look design-wise, I think the old style was also somewhat messy and we’re likely looking at it though rose-tinted glasses. However, I find the DE’s UI completely both messy, confusing, lacking in features, and is also often clunky with responsiveness.
It’s messy: the design style feels like a first-year IT student made it. There is one style for the main menu, then a different style for lobby browsers etc. A third style for Quick Play or your statistics screen (and why is that COMPLETELY HIDDEN under your AVATAR, and you wouldn’t even know unless you’ve accidentally clicked there!!! Why are VERY IMPORTANT FEATURES such as Bans hidden under there!!!).
Features are also thrown around haphazardly and it is not cohesive. And people on the forums have already pointed out how messy the Campaign selection screen is! Is there no more room now for new Campaigns? Why is there Europe, and then Western Europe and Eastern Europe? I get that you’re distinguishing DLCs, but it’s just very dumb - especially if the DLC pages only have a few campaigns.
The messiness leads to confusion - because features are thrown about without a thought, it isn’t always very intuitive where to go for what you need. But also, some of the choices made are confusing! Why can’t we talk with the party you’re playing Ranked with before match is found? You make that possible afterwards, but not before?? Why? It’s just very VERY anti-social, as you’ll only have a minute afterwards to talk or plan.
Also, why can’t we add people to Steam Friends easily through AoE2? There are some features that somewhat let you, but I found it so annoying that after playing Ranked and finding few players who I enjoyed playing with and we all agreed to play together more, I had to go through aoe2.net to find their Steam profiles that I could add to friends. This is a feature that is severely needed in AoE2 and for some mystifying reason, doesn’t exist. Is it because of cross-play with Xbox?
Finally, it is also very unresponsive. Clicks take seconds to go through (unacceptable in today’s age) and I don’t even mean the current bug(s) after India DLC launch, where returning to main menu hangs up for several seconds… They did fix the Mods browser at least, so now the game doesn’t freeze every time you tried to do something with a mod!
The entire game could use a UI overhaul, to make it more intuitive and logical, designed with cohesion in mind. I don’t know if the same exists in AoE4, but from very brief cursory glances, it at least feels like it has the same style throughout.