Alpine… Prussians?
We’re a bit far, I think…
Sure, I know…is more about fit with the Swiss and Austrians…
Another way could be a “European wars DLC” which includes the Preußens with the free update of HRE into Österreich, a campaign of the napoleonic war and some historical battles like the Holstein - Schleswig question (Denmark vs Preußens and Österreich), Franco-Preußen war, Silesian war (Preußen vs Österreich), etc. I mentioned a campaign because it would be just a new civ and the dlc’s so far have brought usually two civs and some historical battles.
All in all, this DLC focused on story campaigns in Europe would be a dream come true. The Prussians civ would be a perfect bonus for such a DLC + maybe even the Swiss civ.
Yes, although I think that as I said above in this dlc they are going to include the question of Holstein (Dano-Prussian Wars), the Franco-Prussian War and the Silesian Wars (which would be the Seven Years’ War)… other options would be the Livonian War and thus finish completing all the European conflicts of the Early Modern Age…
Yes, although it would take a lot of work…if we receive a dlc of European historical battles (not historical maps) like in VaV it would be incredible…
please no variant civ nonsense here, leave that in aoe4
I am not a fan of variant civs either, and in fact I hate the idea. However, ONLY for this specific “Germans” case, it perfectly fits and makes sense. Prussians and Austrians are Germans after all and you may already see the possibility of a backfire if current “United Germans” are reworked. Some players like to play with the existing civ since these players do not like changes. The only solution here is to make these 2 civs and call them as variant ones. We do not lose anything if Prussian and Austrian churches remain with same model as long as we can get the feeling of playing with complete Prussians and Austrians, wouldn’t you agree that?
With Germans there is no need to change anything that affects gameplay to make them into Austrians. Variants would upset way more people than a straight up German split.
Are you suggesting to make the current Germans into Austrians? How do you suggest it with Berlin homecity, needle gunners, landwehrs, uhlans and Frederick the Great? You might say visual work can do the trick but I do not think that we can get anything for free from this point on since new DLC has been announced.
Yes, it’s entirely name changes and visual changes so there’s literally no reason to complain about it wreaking gameplay. Uhlans and Landwehrs are also Austrian and wouldn’t even require changes. The stuff that would need changing could easily be reused for a Prussian civ DLC so there wouldn’t be any wasted resources or work done for free.
Yes. It wouldn’t even be as rude as using content from the campaign in Maltese civ.
Landwehr is general german of the time. the uniform would need to be adapted.
Germany split civ threads should be marked as spam at this point.
People who persistently complain about this should be marked trolls.
people who complain about complaining about complaints should be marked as trolls
Those of us who don’t complain should…?
idk, its the internet, it was invented to complain about things. And post pictures of cats.
There is another reason most people use the internet and it also involves oversized cannons shooting their payloads into 1 or several people
There should be an official, limited time survey for players on this matter. If most of them wanted to divide “Germans” into “German states” with key role of Prussia and Austrian Empire, then sometime after the release of the DLC for Asia, South America and Africa - the Developers would divide it, which would provide an opportunity to better show the battles and campaigns both for the Austrian Empire and for the Germans, headed by Frederick the Great. Devs told that ,players opinions are very important for them". So i suggest poll and let’s check this once and for all.