Tower rushing is difficult. Towers don’t have a lot of HP in feudal and can be easily rushed down. Also, it is a lot of investment to do considerable damage. But it seems like people don’t like to be tower rushed. I don’t get GGs in most of my tower rush games.
Like any other rushes like MAA, Scout, this is also a legitimate strategy and should not make you salty if you lose to towers.
What do you think?
I put in almost 2 months of practice to get in a tower rush build in place and it is helping me win games as well.
UPDATE: I am not against or for any strat. If it’s in-game then don’t get salty if someone uses it against you. Elo-based match-making is extremely fair. So instead of hating and rage quitting or hiding vills or cussing. Just move on and give a GG.
Most people hate anything against the normal meta not only tower rush. Laming, Hoang’s rush, Aztecs monks, Lithunians early drush, Persians TC drop, Poles vills rush, Berbers vills rush, etc. As I can see in your post you are almost 1K elo? At this elo all people hate trushing and any non meta strat because they still mostly learning the game and hate anything that ruins their build order.
aside from the fact that the best answer to tower rushing literally involves going to castle?
well let’s see.
from your pictures its literally easy to see you are tower rushing as literally the best tower rushing civ in the game - not only do your villagers REGENERATE, which means in combat yours are MUCH MUCH more likely to come out on top, due to folwark, you get front loaded food production which makes it easier to keep units coming out on a smaller economy, and your stone mining generates gold, so you don’t have to split your economy as badly as any other civ that is tower rushing.
So you literally have ALL the advantages in your pocket. your villagers beat his villagers. your economy isn’t hurt nearly as much as other civs when they tower rush, and you can use your insane economy to easily supplement your towers with archers and spears to literally neutralize the only weakness your towers have.
It’s honestly surprising that Poles tower rushing hasn’t been nerfed yet.
not many civs can abuse a bunch of different bonuses in feudal that basically cover all the weaknesses.
you play franks and go scouts? guess what? spears will ruin your day. yeah you could add skirms or archers to cover that weakness, but it’s not like franks have any bonuses to either.
you play mayans? yeah you got cheap archers - but what if they come at you with scouts or skirms? you don’t really have any bonuses geared towards your spears or your skirms
no, but it’s an utter nightmare to play against.
go look at Sicilian cavaliers. is that win rate broken? no. it’s not. are they overused in tournaments? nope.
and yet they are getting nerfed in the next patch.
why? because it is aggravating to play against and not much fun.
okay he’s tower rushing me - i can fight his vills with my vills. oh wait. his vills regenerate.
okay, i can use scouts or man at arms to fight it. oh wait, he can easily wall it in and support it with archers with the gold his stone miners are generating, or spears with the extra food from folwark.
`no, but it’s an utter nightmare to play against.
go look at Sicilian cavaliers. is that win rate broken? no. it’s not. are they overused in tournaments? nope.
and yet they are getting nerfed in the next patch.
why? because it is aggravating to play against and not much fun.
Agree to disagree. Poles bonus is not as strong as Sicilians.
Trush receives so much hate cause it’s a noob basher strat.
It’s highly technical to defend effectively against well executed trushes, trushes at low level basically always end in one side being stomped which makes it really unenjoyable if you want to have like basically “even” matches.
all true, but Poles trushes are even worse then normal trushes. which was kind of my point. not only is the OP noob bashing, but he’s basically turning it up to 11.
I am not sure why it’s noob bashing, when you are playing against poles you should expect a trush. Like when you play against goths people are more aggressive against them. Also, it does not guarantee a win at any level. I am playing against people at my elo so the comparison does not make sense. I make a ton of mistakes too but i put in the effort than roll over and i also try to learn from my mistakes. I can khmer archer rush at 10 min that is also not appreciated. My point is any agro in the start of feudal which catches you off guard is frowned upon.
If the devs feel poles is OP they will nerf but as long as they are in-game its a valid strat.
I have been consistently matched against people who have played over 500 matches. So i don’t buy that 1000 elo is a noob. Ask T90 about 900-1000 elo now.
I have only played 43 games and put in the effort that can’t be counted against me.
My point is not to be salty if you lose its just a game. No strat should be frowned upon.
Tower rush is definitely not the META. And anyone wanting to play this game should learn how to defend against Tower rushes. Its not that hard. Just counter tower.
HOW do you counter poles tower then mister I know everything?
you say it’s not hard to counter but others disagree.
go back to the days of incan trushes and look at all the QQ about those. Trush is most definitely not easy to defend. the best defense agaisnt trush involves going to castle age and literally using mangonel.
even pros struggle against tower rushes.
If you only make this you will probably not get about 1k4 to 1k6 elo cause you never learn how to play basic.
That’s why it doesn’t make sense for most people to go this kind of stuff. Better learn the basics before.
well first of all - most people are trying to improve in the game in general, not just master 1 build.
But also, again at 1k ELO a lot of people don’t know the ins and outs of every civ. furthermore Poles is a DLC civ. furthermore at the 900-1100 ELO range, Poles is one of the top 3 played civs IN THE GAME on arena, the map where tower rushing is the most common
I am not against any other strat. I definitely am a strong advocate for learning all build order. But the hate against Tower rush is something out of the normal.