Will there ever be an Age of Mythologies: Definitive Edition?

A few months ago it was leaked that they would be working on a definitive edition of aom for its twentieth anniversary…

Age of Mythology podría recibir el tratamiento de Definitive Edition según varios Insiders | PC Master Race Latinoamérica (pcmrace.com)

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And also in aoe 3 DE, which after all uses the same engine as aom…

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Exactly I would not have said it better…

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I playing the age of mythology is the 2002’games but this to dev make to hopeful Chance the AOM definition Edition in 2022 to get see the E3

This Jez dude, who tweeted about it being cool if AoM returned, elaborated a little more in this youtube stream, even saying that Microsoft had plans to revive it


He’s literally just referring to all those bait articles about whomever saying “AoM isn’t dead; we’ll consider something after AoE4”

So the tweets literally meant nothing.

God you guys are desperate LMAO

“whomever” being the guy in charge of it all, so yeah it kinda is a big deal


Take a look to Gamescom.


I feel very optimistic :+1:

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agreed. hopefully. i would even go to gamescom (if i wouldn’t have to work…) at least at that day - but i assume if it will be teased or showcased it will be a surprise i assume… i assume either wednesyday or thursday i think - maybe. fingers crossed

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Yeah, and today they announced Age of Mythologies: Retold".

Suck it.


Age of Mythologies: Retold is for 2023 years comming soon If I were this version I am very interested and looking forward to it

Age of Mythologies: Retold is for 2024 years is September 4 year formal, is very interested and looking forward to it

It’s just Age of Mythology, Mythologies is the DS version…

You are necroing a post from 4 years ago.