To the three ever complaing …gentelmen… whom found a time consuming hobby in starting verbal jousts online each day, Please, we know you don’t want any change , that has been noted. Thank you for your participation but please stop making all of your numerous complaints personal and targeted.
My desires for diverse skins/sprites in this game is not limited to the Polish. The fact that every civ by default still uses 14th century European armours and weapons vexes to the utmost.
I would love to see changes all across the board, correct unit skins for the African, Messo, ME and Asian civs even if its just regional.
But in fact, instead of asking all of this from the devs (all this that we would pay for were it included in game) that I know will be to much to ask for at once, I went and just like Jugernaut, created a mod that gives every civ their own uniqe unit skins. It takes a lot of work and time but it is worth it, eventhough I don’t get paid to do any of this (and the devs do, the devs can alter anything they want because they will make money from it) I still do it for it makes the game 100% more enjoyable
With every update (wich is getting more frequent ,thank the Lord) I have to adjudt and alter my mod unit data for it to work once more and that takes time. Ideally I would not want to have to work on my mod and instead have each and every civ (NOT JUST POLAND) have uneque and accurate unit skins.
I currently use my mod to have this but since the devs are making more and more HISTORICALLY ACCURATE unit skins themselves , out of their own accord , I though why not request that they add HA unit skins to each civ, WE HAVE TO START SOMEWHERE so why not start with the hussars of every other civ?
To the inscessant people screaming that ‘‘THIS GAME IS NOT HISTORICAL!!!’’ Ofcource its not, it wasn’t desighned form day one to be 100% historical , but yet from day one the devs wanted the game to be baced on history, hense why the only the vikings have longboats, that’s why the British doesnt have cammels , that is why the messo civs don’t have cavalry, that is why there are regional differances in building arcutecture.
The devs clearly try to be cultural/historically accurate to an extent and we are just providing SUGGESTIONS on where they can further this endevour.