You call those good reasons? As I said, it’s next to no work to take off their wings which wouldn’t affect game balance. Exactly as they put the wings on the Magyar Huszars in the first place.
The trend of more unique buildings and units seems to be the standard with new DLCs as I mentioned earlier too.
I’d rather have the devs prioritize technical game issues as well, but this hasn’t stopped them from putting out diverse content of all kinds in the past, as I also pointed out earlier.
It feels like you haven’t read any of my replies to still be able to disagree with me.
Except rhen rhey need to change anything else in the name of accuracy. Why does Poland get to have their cake but not other civs?
That trend doesn’t include taking stuff from other civs does it though? Also other civs got max 3 unique things. Why Poland should have 5? You already got 4 as is.
But here you are. Asking them to open the accuracy can of worms. Which is far more then 15 minutes.
That’s one of the laziest arguments used on this forum and it’s not even true. Did the design change of the Magyar Huszar open that “can of worms”? Answer: it didn’t.
Why? I don’t see you asking for such changes that - to be easy and fast to implement - ideally don’t affect gameplay balance?
All I hear from you are complaints about changes you’d seemingly welcome. According to you until all of their implementations only the Polish fans wouldn’t be allowed to ask for the same though.
With all due respect but this last sentence reminds me of that kid that doesn’t want to play with a toy until it sees another kid playing with it.
What would you be “taking from other civs”? It’s an evidently Polish recognition element.
Do you want to give the impression that all those other civs incorporate a part of the Polish army whenever they use Hussars? What’s wrong with wing-less Hussars anyway?
This obviously wasn’t in reference to this particular change but to other tweaks of aesthetics for the sake of historical accuracy without affecting game balance.
Well, you made it sound like this change was all about Poland when in fact it affects all other civs using Hussars. Why do you insist on making their Hussars appear as Polish ones?
I’m against those too. The game is a huge success and making things more accurate has failed elsewhere spectacularly. Aoe2 has succeeded because it is what it is and didn’t try to be something it wasn’t. No reason to change that formula
I’m certain what granted AOE2’s success especially in the past few years was it’s ability to adapt and an open mindedness to changes without breaking with the core ideas and mechanics. So exactly the opposite of what you say.
Just one example of this would be how the architecture sets have evolved and been expanded over time, without affecting gameplay.
It barely chabged in rhe first 12 or so years and was hugely successful despite that. Heck it sold 2 million copies in 3 months despite being wildly inaccurate on the history side. So no, it wasn’t its ability to adapt that made it successful.
Which didn’t happen in the first 3 months. And didn’t impact anything other than those specific civs. Meanwhile you’re asking to change every civ in the game to cater to one. One who is already heavily catered too. One would say rhey are already catering to Poles more rhen rgey catered to every other civ in the game
Did you ever wonder why they didn’t add Dragons or Wizards to the game? It’s the (even if often vague) historical accuracy and realism (in the parameters of video games) that made it so attractive.
People love medieval warfare games and while this should not become a simulation, it’s evident the majority of players appreciate the game’s historical context, which made many of us be more interested in history.
Source? Because accuracy? Even at launch? Laughable. The first two campaigns alone were so inaccurate that they included William Wallace winning and Joan of arcs campaign including a narrator and soldier who never existed.
Chinese didn’t even have gunpowder units despite inventing it.
Mamelukes riding camels and throwing scimitar.
Asian civs with European knights.
As I said, it’s still just a game and at the time of release they evidently focussed more on things such as gameplay balance and mechanics instead of investing too much into historical research, wherefore it excels at as an RTS until today.
Yet this game could do so much worse in terms of historical accuracy. E.g. there is a good reason why the Teutons have no access to Camels, don’t you think? It’s hilarious I even give such examples for the simple design change that this suggestion was originally about.
Don’t forget that the fans have grown up over time and many of us became more interested in history thanks to such games. There is nothing wrong with changes that don’t disrupt the core game and there’s room for improvements even in this regard.
To me that’s also what the newly added DLCs symbolize, which by no means were “necessary” - not agreed on by all but very welcomed by the most.
Yes. They have. Doesn’t mean we have to change stuff that already works.
Poland has a completely unique hussar skin. Be happy with it. They have more unique features then any other civ does. You should be happy with how much love rhe devs have shown them.
Was the great success because of the changes? How many changes were made because of accuracy?
Clearly not, or meso civs would have been hugely changed to have unique archer, spear, and militia lines, to further take advantage of the “accuracy is leading to great success”.
Not to mention changing throwing axeman and mamelukes
Oh. And since changing stuff for accuracy has shown great success they should have changed cavalry to carry spears, but gasp most still carry swords.
And gasp. If accuracy was really having that much success where are all the changes to give every civ regional skins?
It’s almost like accuracy isn’t what’s selling this game. And never was
Well, that’s not a purpose to be deliberately inaccurate.
But ofc this thread is just completely off. It’s just weird to demand a change of the appearance of a unit inspired by a specific new civs military just because this civ is now in the game.
We also don’t change the appearance of chevalier or the name of both chevalier and paladin because of franks are in the game for all other civs. That’s nonsense, cause all units are in the end mostly inspired by usually the most famous representative.
Excuse me ? Could You not put everyone in the same bag please ? Pointing out someone’s nationality is new way of making right argument now or something ?
The thread is made by person not from Poland.