With historical accuracy in mind, the Indian unit roster is anything but

Don’t forget the Zamburaks + the new card camels.

Also the cards can be a variety according to different civs. Chinese can get some Bacterian Camels Card for their deck. Ottomans can get Tuareg Warriors.

@Juggernaut8704 @Rohan8623 @VisoredDig20569 A great! solution can be Improving the camels themselves! so they are atleast a little usable!

Atleast Sowar to the level of Naginata or Axe rider, so they can be take out canons or raid !
OR a Better option can be decreasing pop cost with coin cost to have it simmilar to cossak

and zamburaks can stay same probably (more or less)

If it is balanced then I think it is the best solution.

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IMO Balance wise Sowars are already quite good in DE (thanks to ESOC Patch which has been created after rigorous testing by competitive players)

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Yes Indian uniqueness have always been camels since aoe2 . Even in aoe2 was camel base civilization . There is no need of removing them . Historically camels were used by many indian empires in dessert of thar .

I suggest giving camel different purpose .

Example Like making sowar lik jet lancer , instead of good at killing just skirmishers .

Or making either howdah or zambu like cav archer who has mele resistance , or give one of them heavy multiplier vs artillary and other one heavy multiplier vs hand cav .

Right now camels don’t have a place in game in compare to how strong elephants are . Camels are weak and very monotonous in what they do .

My suggestion s

Give camels special purpose .

Make camel mercinaries that are available for other civilization in salons .

May be allow Indian church to have jet lancer and urumi to be available in every game . Or give them a decent infinite Jat lancer or urumi card instead of infinite nat elephant card .

What the point of infinite native elephants card when u can just train elephants ???

U could give them infinite jet lancer or infinite urumi card , so they can use horses and charming urumi too


I seriously don’t like the concept of that one unit should only be available from homecitu shipment but u don’t even have infinite homecity card for that unit . That just kill the charm of that unit .

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Indians were added in AoE2 after AoE3

Desert of Thar is very small compared to the rest of India which clearly needs atleast some proper horses for representation. Currently india has none. Ashwa(Horse) has an important significance in Indian armies. Even Rajputs hailing from the thar desert used more horses than camels. Search Rajput Cavalry on Google images and you will see it will show horses. Now try searching Tuareg Cavalry/Warrior you will see camels. My point being India needs atleast one horse line in the stable. Maybe some Maratha cavalry can be used with a sword and different role than Sowars or a South Indian cavalry with an Axe(parashu).

In a competitive game we rarely see elephants in large numbers they just need tons of population space to build.

Yes that would be awesome giving camels to other civilization as well. Having more camel civs rather than just Indians.

You can already train Jat Lancers at monastery for a heavy gold cost just like other mercenaries.

It is very cost effective to use cards elephants. They cost only slight amount of food while training them directly is much more expensive. Take siege elephants for example. Shipping them at only 350 food from Homecity is much more cost effective. Also homecity shipments allow you negate the pop room allowing you to exceed over the limit when it’s urgent.

Still what the point of native elephants ??? When U can send or train mahuat . Just same unit with different name and slight difference .

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Oh you mean the one available at Sufi Native Settlements?

Yes that one , India has infinite native war elephants card. I could easily be infinite jet lancer or urumi .

They are meant to make elephants available to other civs on some maps. Also they cost 0 population and you can train only 6 of them.

No , I think only India has infinite nat war elephants card . What other civs have nat elephants card ??

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Oh the card, it’s probably meant to give some extra elephants over the pop limit since those don’t cost any pop.

But it could be something better or unique like urumi or jet lanver .

Even Otto now have infinite saphi card , and infinite bombard card .

So India also deserve to have infinite jet lancer and infinite urumi , those are great units . But can’t be used in treaty or late game .

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they can simply add more cards rather than replacing anything…

That is also the option . Infinite jet lancer , will give India horses with changing existing units .

You can train them at monastery after Atonement Card but they are just way too much expensive, they cost 400 gold and 4 population after getting the card! they are usable in very specific situation. Also since they are just a mercenary they don’t have any upgrades or mansabdar either. they are nearly non-existent just like the chinese iron troops. You will almost never see them in any serious matchup.

That’s need to be fixed , jet are unique unit , but they made it unusable to buy from monestry . May be fix that or give decent cost shipment liek 1000gold for 5-6 of them .

But pop space need to be fixed

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Moreover, in reality, the movement of the camel is very slow, if the running speed is too fast, the camel will get hurt easily, and it is difficult to recover completely. In the game, the movement speed of camel dragoons is indeed the highest in the game, which does not accord with the common sense. In addition, I think the DEVELOPMENT team does not care about The Asian countries, not only India, but Also China and Japan are full of mistakes


True, they revamped American Civs, added so many new Revolution mechanism to Europeans, they also added 1 new civilization each to American and European but for Asians they don’t seem to care. :frowning_face:

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I don’t have a whole lot to say, but I do have this - we should petition the Dev Team to install civ reworks over a series of patches over a year or two, until AoE 4 is released.

Depending on how big the Dev Team is and how many people they can put to a civ, I’d think they could rework the 3 Warchiefs Civs and the 3 Asian Dynasty Civs in a year or two. All six are in extremely poor condition, and it’s clear that they looked into none of the cultures before they made the civs.

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