This is just a little page of my concept for an rts game(I wouldn’t call it an Age game cause it is vastly different from Age gameplay) focused on the WWII era.
Feel free to add any ideas or mechanics you think would be fun to mess around with in a WW2
Base game civs
United Kingdom
7 ages
I have been working on completely overhauling the way campaigns work for this so it is more interactive=higher replayability
Campaigns I have thought of so far
Invasion of Poland–1939—sides to choose from—Germany—Poland—USSR
Battle of France–1940—Germany—France
Operation Barbarossa–1941—USSR—Germany—Romania
Battle of Stalingrad–1942-1943—Germany—USSR—Romania
Operation Overlord–1944—Germany—USA—UK/Australia—Poland/France
Battle of the Bulge–1944-1945—Germany—USA—UK—France
(more campaigns could be added through DLCs and custom campaigns)
For every campaign you would have a set amount of troops, tanks, and supplies to use. If you have ever played Hearts of Iron, it would be like a mini version of that(similar but not a copy) inside the game as the campaign feature. You have 3 battles to select from(you may choose to fight all of them or just 2 or just 1) you have a set amount of units you can spread out across these three battles, so does the enemy(controlled by AI)
Sidenote, it opens the option for co-op campaigns. Would be friend/invite only though. Continue
When you have spread your units out to your liking you enter the battle and have those set number of units at your disposal (not all at one time, you create them) and the enemy also has their set number of units that they made pre-game. You battle it out for specific strategic positions, depending on the outcome of the battle. The battle continues until you gain the objective and keep it for an allotted time period or when you decide that this engagement isn’t worth any more of your resources, and can pull your forces out of the fight, saving them to fight another day(any wounded units are automatically healed) Depending on the results of those 3 battles, when you are finished, you click a button and it gives you 3 new battles all that are decided based on the last 3 battles. This keeps going until you reach a certain victory condition(i.e. If you are Germany in the “Invasion of Poland” campaign, you keep fighting until you lower their morale level to 0.
Morale level is raised whenever you win a battle and is lowered whenever you lose a battle. Certain cities also raise/lower morale. (i.e. if Germany captures Warsaw, this would lower the Polish morale by 50% of their current morale.) Another victory condition example
As France in the “Battle of France” you can win by dealing 75% casualties to the German forces. As the French in this campaign, if you are still alive and have not won by June 10. , Italy will invade you from the south and you victory conditions will inflate to inflicting 50% casualties on them. You lose if your morale drops to 0.
Research is nonexistent in campaign battles, however, you research new technology in the campaign overhead menu, giving you more weapons to add to your arsenal during the 3 battles.
Every infantry unit has their main gun and then a knife and a sidearm. Knives toggle instantly when units are within close quarters and sidearms and main weapons both have ammo limits(I’ll dive into that later)
Research is also different
Tank research is very interesting. I’ll give an example.
Panzer I (lifespan 1939-1941) HP—305 armor–hull—13/13/13–turret—14/13/13 damage 11/8
penetration 23/46 RoF–96.93 dispersion–0.59
I will give stat buffs for the first gun module but the rest I will just name
Modules-Gun- 2 cm Kw.K. 30 rate of fire—+6.01
once you research this gun you can then research this gun 2 cm Kw.K. 38 RoF— +14.71 dispersion---- -0.02 then u research the next gun 2 cm Breda (i) Pen +7/+1 RoF +5.43 dispersion -0.06
Turrets L.K.A. 2 HP +20 Pz.Kpfw. I Breda HP +20
There would be suspension and engine modules as well but I haven’t worked out the speed/weight values yet
Explanations for what these stats all mean
Lifespan is how long you can create the tank. You can begin production in 1939(start of game) and you can continue to pump them out until 1941. Tanks prices get increasingly higher the everytime you research a new tank(i.e. Panzer I to Panzer II. The Panzer I will be easier to mass but the Panzer II will be stronger. This would try to replicate how certain tanks continued to be produced even after they were made obsolete in most areas. You would focus your rss to make Panzer II and make Panzer I with whatever you had leftover to supplement your armored forces, and/or as Infantry support. HP works normally, armor is different for tanks. The armor is the thickness in mm and (as you can probably guess) the penetration is how much thickness of mm a shell can penetrate through. Damage values are how much damage each shell type inflicts. Shell types are as follows: AP(good penetration/good damage APCR(Excellent penetration/decent damage) HEAT(Excellent penetration, good damage) HE(poor penetration, Insane damage) Rate of fire is how many rounds(shells) the tank can fire in a minute. Dispersion is how accurate the tank is, as for this tank it is pretty poor in accuracy at .51
(the lower the number the more accurate)
A few more notes on tanks research.
Obviously, the longer the game goes on, the more tanks you can research and you will gain access to stronger/more expensive tanks. Certain tanks unlock certain tanks(Panzer I to Panzer II to Panzer III, ect) when you reach a certain year and fully upgrade a certain tank you can branch off into a new branch (i.e. Panzer III branches off into the Durchbruchswagen 2 which eventually leads to the Tiger 1 into the Tiger 2) Tanks would be produced at “factories” and take awhile to research new modules and new tanks. The Panzer I for example would take 1 minute to create, but you get 10.
Please feel free to ask questions(if you have any)
Infantry research.
You would have your basic infantry units and then upgrade them by giving them better weapons or researching techs that increase stats. You can also train “veteran” units that benefit from the same stats but take longer to train. If you are looking for a long, hard push and have time, these would be ideal units.
Basic infantry
(some civs would have specialized infantry(i.e. Finnish “Ghost Troops”) while not all may have access to certain weapon types(i.e. USA has Shotguns while Germany does not)
Submachine gun squad–10 men
Shotgun squad–10 men
Rifle squad–10 men
Sniper squad–4 men
Rifle and Shotgun squads can be outfitted with Machine guns, which can be deployed manually in any position, although it would be wise for the player to find a suitable position would good cover to set up. The machine takes 2-3 men to operate, the rest of the squad waits until enemy troops come in range of their weapons or until a soldier operating the mg dies and then take their place.
Submachine gun or Rifle squads are more common with Germany while Shotgun or Rifle squads will form the bulk of the USA army. Rifle squads for Germany would mostly be used to put up MGs.
All squads come equipped with grenades and can be outfitted with a flamethrower and anti-tank weapons. A squad can keep equipping itself with new toys until it runs out of room(i.e. you make a Rifle squad as Germany. You outfit it with MG, taking up 2 soldiers. You then give it 2 flamethrowers, taking 2 more. You also give it a Panzerschreck, taking another soldier. You have now reached the maximum of 5 soldiers, as it leaves 5 soldiers to take the place of their fallen comrades if they should die(except flamethrowers, if a soldier has a flamethrower and dies then the squad loses that flamethrower.)
As for ammo like I mentioned earlier.
All guns have ammo, when you run out they switch to their sidearm. Squads can regain ammo if they return to their base and go to the armor(which restocks infantry squads, tanks, artillery battalions, ect) This can be turned off in the settings
Maps will have a wide variety to choose from, including city maps, countryside maps, maps with cities in them but not taking up the whole map, some maps with mountains, desert, islands, ect.
Map sizes are going to be huge compared to Age maps, with the intention of longer, drawn out conflicts. Also, fighting over terrain would be huge for controlling chokepoints, the high ground, and simply areas with good cover for an mg position or artillery.
Infantry Morale
All Infantry have a morale rating of 100%, which can be raised to 150% or lowered to 25%. You can raise your Infantry’s morale by keeping them close to allied units or winning engagements(the bigger the fight the higher the morale gain). They lose morale when their squad takes damage or when their allies die around them, or when they lose a fight(the bigger the fight the higher the morale loss) When Infantry hit 25% morale, they enter “shattered mode”. You lose control of them and they scatter. Later, if you come across infantry that was shattered, you regain control of them. At the end of the battle, any infantry that wasn’t found is MIA. On the opposite side, if enemy units come across a shattered Infantry they “capture” that unit and at the end of the battle, this shows how many units were captured.
In campaigns, MIA are lost forever while captured can be traded for your own captured.
Infantry stamina I would like to add as well.
Wounded soldiers slowly lose hp.
When their pool reaches 0 they die. Wounded allies can be brought to a medical camp to recuperate their strength. After they are “healed” they wait until a new squad can be formed. A new squad(that you did not pay for) emerges from the medical camp, ready to be outfitted and fight.
Tanks and artillery can be captured if the crews are killed, as well as weapons. If an infantry squad is low on ammo and they come across a fellow squad that was recently killed they can scavenge for ammo and weapons.
Resource income and production
The main resources are as follows:
Food–can be gained through workers
Money–can be gained through workers
Manpower–can be gained through drafts and signups
Steel–can be gained through workers
Oil–can be gained through workers
Aluminum–can be gained through workers
You start out with workers to distribute throughout the different resources with sliders.
You can gain workers by spending money to campaign for the home front. An example.
When you spend money to campaign for the home front you gain 10 workers for every minute the campaign lasts. You need to keep spending money on campaigns to keep up with the demand for resources. Campaign prices keep growing the more times you pay for them.
Worker gather rates as follows:
Manpower-- 1/s
drafts are researched for free, can only be done once a year(age), and take 30 minutes to complete. At the end of the designated time you gain +90% of your current manpower
All can be increased through techs (researched by money)
Money and manpower are the two ones you would want to focus on in the early game
Infantry squads use up food while they are alive (to represent rations soldiers carried and such)
Vehicles/tanks use up steel and oil(repairs and refuels)
Planes use up aluminum and oil(repairs and refuels)
I will add more, but feel free to share thoughts and ideas