I don’t have any complaints about the plan for the new dlc and it’s 2 civs (in fact I predicted they would be the new civs due to team constraints and the ease of making Euro civs), What I do have a problem with is the fact that there was a false lead up to the New Year New Age event.
we were told,
“Age Of Empires 3: After giving our players a new way to play for free in 2023, we are excited to reveal a new DLC with new civilizations.”
An we didn’t get a reveal, we got two flags, no names, no DLC title, no art piece for the DLC or screenshots, no trailer. while all the other games got exactly what was advertised.
I’m a little bit upset about the lack of material and I’m trying to figure out what the heck happened. That either,
1.This was the intended reveal and the announcement team made false expectations for us. They should have instead lead with “Age Of Empires 3: After giving our players a new way to play for free in 2023, we are excited to reveal new upcoming plans for the game in 2024.” a bit bland but more accurate.
- They planned to reveal more but the team fell behind and couldn’t get the DLC details ready in time for the event and so just revealed the 2 civs planned for it.
I’m just hoping for some sort of blog post with the other expected information within the next couple of months if not a DLC trailer because otherwise I am concerned World’s Edge team needs a better community communications team or is leaving the AOE3 fans purposely in the dark and need to improve themselves over the next year.
I do not want this AOE3 community absence or lack of Social Media representation to go on without better transparency from the developers to us in the community.