Would like your help settling an argument

Related topic, when someone closes the game does it show up as a disconnect? I’ve had several games recently where just as I’m starting to win and tearing into the opponent’s base, they DC and the game ends. No GG, no resign, is this a rage quit/force close or just coincidental timing for connection issues.

Too many replies to read them all, however has anyone mentioned this:

Elo is there to make sure you get fair match ups with opponents, legit win or not if you win your elo is going up… but if your skill level isn’t up to scratch you’re just doing yourself a disservice in the future. You’ll lose that game eventually

So I guess you should ask yourself, do I believe I should be at a higher elo and so should fight tooth and nail till the bitter end… Or is you loosing this a sign that actually I need to improve.


Hard disagree on that statement. Play to your own goals and your goals are not the only ones there are. For example, people might want to play ranked so they can get fair matches, instead of relying on “noobs only” “pros only” tags on lobby games. Some people might be happy at the elo they’ve reached, and are not bothered if they loose a game.

What will you do when you reach your elo goal? I imagine just set a higher elo goal and not quit and go to unranked… but you aren’t going to have a 2.6k elo goal, at some point you’ll get stuck or stop trying. What your saying is basically everyone should have unreachable goals. Not everyone should be expected to have the goal to be #1 on ranked.


Not even in Tournament games were the stakes for winning and losing involves thousands of dollars are these kind of griefing practices allowed, you are expected to resign when you are unable to make a reasonable comeback, deceiving the player through talking to them through chat is also banned, etc. Even at the highest level of possible play you are expected to adhere to a certain standard of ethics, and this is the exact same case for nearly every other game or sport played on this planet.

The real question is why do you care so much about Elo and winrate numbers when the only reward for it is purely psychological, and as @Leshanni mentioned in the case of Elo. Literally only exists so as to ensure a fair match up against your opponent and not as a reward for victory.


Alt f4 or close the game window will be a legit resign. Only unplug your internet cable or turning off wifi will show up as a disconnect.

One guy does not care about winning, he will ruin the game experience of the people who are trying to win.
The devs did not give us fair unranked games does not mean people can throw ranked games. It will end up with everybody stop caring about winning and everybody will troll in ranked games.

The thing is, there are actual reasons for that.

I think they probably do care about winning. Assuming every match is even (Although I know it isn’t), with all players being of equal skill, no-one wants to play a 3v4 from the start. The other team has an extra player with which to crush you, and it’s typical that teams will resign if someone drops or is defeated, because it is rare that they will be able to win against similar level opponents once outnumbered. If you lose a vil, it’s unfortunate, I can understand why you might quit, but it is recoverable. If you get lamed, then you have a problem, because you are down resources, the enemy is usually up by the amount you lost (Depending on the type of lame), and if they are a decent player, they can turn that into a pretty massive snowballing lead over time, with faster age ups, better eco, and more military. Hence the people who resign if they get lamed.

If the enemy is down to a few villagers, though… it’s implied you’re dominating the map at this point… Spies is pretty cheap and/or it shouldn’t be that tough to raise or buy the gold required.

That said, it’s probably not good sportsmanship to keep trying to hide forever. It can be fun for a time or two max to hide-and-seek (a few minutes of playful levity). But if it drags on longer than a handful of minutes and they’re not trying at all to stage a comeback, then, yeah – not cool. Ban, though? Probably not. They’re not cheating or exploiting the game, per se. In AoE2:DE, isn’t there a way to block a user so you don’t have to play them again? If so, just do that and move on to the next match with someone else, imo

In theory, but it doesn’t really seem to work very well, based on what I’ve heard.

Even if there are, there were a number of hackers reported, and they weren’t even permabanned, and went a couple of weeks before anything happened to them at all.

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Unfortunately you can still match with / against the people you blocked / muted before. It is even worse in TG because you cannot avoid team killers or the player with lower than 40% win rate.

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yeah id you dodge players with low winrate you seem to have not understand how elo + matchmaking works.
If a player is 100 % against the viper he has 0 % winrate. But if he is against players 500 elo under himself he has 100 % winrate.
If he plays against Viper his elo drops but if he is against players he always wins against his elo raises.

Which leads to the odd behaviour of players with low winrates having actually higher chances of winning cause they are tendencially a bit underrated than players with high winrates.
So if you dodge players in your team with low winrates you are actually hurting your own win chances.

You try to be super clever but in the end you are only hurting yourself, because you fail to understand things.

The same is the time you are watig by trying to annoy other people to get out of your games. You could use that to improve yourself, but you just waste your lifetime. In the end you are only punishing yourself but you trick yourself by thinking you would actually punish others more. But yeah, just keep punishing yourself if you like to. If you don’t want to be helped, we can’t help you out of your own created misery.

Your logic is correct, but my experience shows the opposite.
In TG with 2k+ Elo, I have never lose a game when everybody with 60%+ win rate in team. I can still maintain more than 60% win rate with teammates who have 45% to 60% win rate. We couldnt really carry a guy with lower 40% win rate, maybe we can only win 1 game out of 4. I lost more than 80% of the game when all 3 teammates with lower than 45% win rate. It seems that 45% win rate is the borderline of win and loss.
I encountered 3 toxic players who always call other people noobs. 2 of them got lower than 45% win rate, None of them got more than 50% win rate

I probably would also call you noob if you would refuse to resign against me. But I would enjoy killing each of your vills individually. Probably would call them names:
Peter Pett-I-cry
Tom Never-saw-him
Anna Who-cares-about-her

I also like to kill stuffs and i will delete the things that I could not save.

You say this:

But you also say this

So really you have no problems “ruining the experience” so long as it’s other people’s experience.

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I think he is actually ruining his own experience the most. I mean if he would continouusly ruin the same persons game experience that would be bad for that person.
But really just a few guys in a community of thousands that don’t waste each others time is just a poor little, neglectible bittiness. Really, I don’t care about them.
In the end they are just punishing themselves.

Enemy and teammate are different, you can kill enemy without any problem but kill teammates is considered as grieving. Walling off enemy is okay but walling teammates’ TC or resources is grieving too.
I have no problem with ruining enemies’ game experience, because we need to beat up each other anyway. You are free to resign if you don’t want to fight. it is simple. I think most of the people will accept the easy win because I haven’t seen anybody complained about winning.

Well you should. If you gartify yourself without working for it you translate this into you whole life concept.
If you want to be successfull in life you need to delay gratification.

So again, you are only punishing yourself.

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Ok, I’m just going to pull up this poll from a while back, and show that most people think it’s toxic to do a lot of the things you find acceptable.

Enemies and Teammates are all people, actual people. Playing a game, for enjoyment.

So I disagree with you whole heartedly. Better to play game and have both people enjoy it, win or lose.

You can “beat up” your opponent in the game and win, and they can still have a good experience. You can lose terribly and still have a good experience.

Trying to win a game by deliberately ruining the experience for the opponent is griefing. Using your logic you may as well shout abuse and racial slurs at them until they quit because nothing else matters right? Ruin their day and get elo - hurray!

No Un-Hurray

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