Very nice scenario presenting useful QOL suggestions and providing some fun along the way
Seeing concrete examples of optimal walls and comparing with current wall-building algorithm made me want this optimal wall-building immediately in my game It was one of the most popular suggestions in beta forums which received only positive feedback, so developers would please many players by implementing it.
Thankfully the first screenshot about mod shows optimal walls, so if someone does not have time to play this scenario, then he can look at the result from there.
Just look at this difference between optimal wall placement (palisade foundations) vs current placement
One feature which I think would be controversial is displaying which nearby tiles are reachable from mouse cursor tile. It would make it too easy to avoid holes in walls. Players having holes in their walls provides great surprises and fun in games and so maybe this feature should not be done to preserve skill requirement and surprises.
Hopefully other players and especially developers (@StepS7578) find time to play through this scenario.