Final Edition of the Xianbei tech tree I’m trying to make into a mod, not gonna discuss the idea of Xianbei itself here.
Xianbei (4 century BC ~ 672)
•Foragers and hunters don’t need mill;
•Cavalry armor upgrade research automatically;
•Imperial Age research 100% faster;
•Cavalry can generate infantry; (This works as Light Cav and Hussar can create one militia-line unit and knight-line can create two militia-line unit, each cav can only do this once)
•Can upgrade monk to royal monk(+20 hp +5 range, this tech replace block printing, cost 350 gold);
Team bonus
First monk free;
Unique units
Liuzhen Cavalry:
Xianbei unique unit, worrior of the Six Frontier Town. Light cavalry unit with bonus vs. cavalry and gunpowder.
(A mistake here, pierce armor should be 0,1(elite) not melee armor)
Unique techs
Relics produce double the gold & monks trained much faster(8s).
400 F 200 G
Fubing system:
Pikeman-line units and skirmishers cost 50 % less food.
200 F 300 G
(A change here,Two-Man Saw and Siege Engineer should be unavailable)