Any news for the abandoned AOE3?

You wrote “Personally”
That is all!

Yes (20 characters at least)

But it’s much more than a fictitious setting, mythology is also part of Human culture and of our History. It is not the same to play a game about Zeus and Odin than about made-up fantasy stories.


Do I need to tell you? can play for the classic mythology, for all the lore that the game handles in each of the units, the masterpiece that is the story of the fall of the trident with Arkantos, Ajax, Chiron , Amanra, the dwarves, Gargarenis, Kamos, Kemsyt and a long etc… and then you have Castor’s campaign against Chronos, the story apart from the dwarves, the Chinese story about yin and yang (which I hope they remake very good in Retold)… Retold’s potential is incredible and infinite… I put AoM on the podium, and with Retold, if they do it well and I have faith that they will, it will not be different…

Of course, if it weren’t for AoM, AoE 3 would be AoE 2 but in 3D and colonial version… that is, AoE 4 colonial version…

It is a respectable opinion, but since it is a spin off there is no problem… in fact AoM is a 3D version of AoE 1 but with mythological units…

That’s true…

In the same AoM forum and discord, in AoE heaven, in the maps that the community makes on Steam and so I could continue…

You decided to speak based…

Yes, I would add AoEO too… it’s a very good game…

Yes, I also want them to add more dlcs for AoE 3 DE, but obviously I also want to play AoM Retold because the EE doesn’t do justice to the original game… and yes, I think that if AoM can capture players from AoE 4 it will It’s going to go very well… maybe it will have 20k players at launch and then it will stabilize at 8k-10k players…

Yes, for some reason many AoE 2 players were lost with AoE 3, because they skipped AoM… notice that many original AoE 3 players came from AoM (in my case it was the reverse process, since I started in AoE 3 and there back)…

Yes, for some reason many AoE 2 players were lost with AoE 3 at its launch and did not understand it, because they skipped AoM (which is the missing link between both games)… notice that many original AoE 3 players came from AoM (in my case it was the reverse process, since I started in AoE 3 and from there back)…first I played AoE 3, then AoE 2 and I said “wow they are so different” and then I played AoM and I said “ah right ,I was missing AoM”…

Of course, it is not the same to play WC3 (which is pure fantasy with humans, orks and undead), with BFTME (which is Tolkien’s classic fantasy) with AoM (which is classic human mythology that we know from Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia) (Tolkien drinks a little of the latter for the elves, giants and dragons)…

If do You want discuss about AOM i can move all you guys to AoM section


It’s just that it moved from topic xd…

AOM is the best AOE game and I will fight you over it.


No! I just want AOE3 DLC!


Neither one nor the other…We want both…xd


Exactly! (20 characters)

This is not a bug, it’s intended. Not joking

You mean “this is the UI working as intended”, right?

I’ve seen a post saying “you can actually fire on walls, this is how to do it:”

Select castle then press A on the section of wall/gate as long as you’re in range same as you’d set a rally point for units out of the castle. When your cursor hovers over the wall it should change to a sword.

You’ve had so much content and still whining?
Age of Mythology hasn’t had anything since we had a strange expansion since january 2016. That’s uhm 7 years. So you could rather say Age of Mythology was abandoned long ago.

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This entire thread has rightfully come to the defense of AoM. Calm down.

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Another case where the franchise managers made an attempt at communication, but without sufficient clarity & visibility, right? :sweat_smile:

Where did you find this?

You clearly haven’t played AoE4. And AoM is a totally different game from AoE2 and its RoR. Now i’m questioning if you even know what AoM is or if you have ever played in your existence :crazy_face: :roll_eyes:

RoR is not abandoned, you had like a patch last week or was it this week? Jeez this guy needs to think before he posts. Oh wait the name checks out i guess.
