China cav is different because it’s less expensive, thus it must have less HP & Attack.
With only 85 resources cost, you need about 2.5 steppe riders per Hussar to be equivalent.


Please listen to LionHeart comments, he has enough ELO to give a good opinion. The civ is in already in an awful position of being B Tier with this patch.

Abus Guns completely upend the normal counter system. Currently between their firing animation, train time, siege damage on standard ranged attacks, low cost and high stats for their population requirement, and availalability in Age II, they are far too efficient. Since they cost very little food and thus synergize well with food-heavy Jannisaries…in a civilization that does not have to pay for villager production, they prove to be far too much.

In the past, I’ve proposed a serious penalty to their firing animation and/or the removal of target lock. This worsens their matchup against cannons and other skirmishers, in order to compensate for the fact that inflicting ranged damage with your standard ranged attack bypasses the armor of almost every single artillery piece and ranged infantry unit in the game. Kiting Abus Gunners thus becomes a possibility instead of simply becoming a standard portion of your strategy, like you would when kiting every other civilization’s skirmisher mass.

Ottomans are also the only civilization whose Pikeman analogue, the Azap, has a standard ranged attack…and benefits from Archer-tag improvements atop that. Defending your pricey (at that point) Abus mass in the Commerce Age is so much easier with Azaps than with Jannisaries, who do not perform as well against cavalry as their cost or base stats may indicate, or with Pikemen, with Poruchiks, or even with Doppelsoldners.

You cannot even scout Abus Gunner production either, as the Humbaraci is ALSO available in the Commerce Age and produced from the same building. Not even like the Humbaraci is much of a slouch either, as it is very cost efficient and provides Ottomans with excellent siege capabilities from the get-go. If you prepare for Abus Guns and get swarmed with bomb-tossing Humbaraci instead, you won’t even have the chance to try and take good trades later. You just die. Same for predicting Humbaraci and ending up having to ########## 10 Abus and 15 Jannisaries.

The only comparable unit I can think of is the Leather Cannon, which has the clear disadvantage of costing both twice as much and needing wood for its production. Leather cannons, despite being Skirmisher analogues for the Swedish civilization, also suffer from their classification under the Artillery tag–Culverins or their analogues are a VITAL component of late-game armies, and standard Skirmishers or Abus Gunners trade into those cannons better than Leathers do, giving it another disadvantage vs. the AG.

TL;DR: Abus Guns needed a bigger nerf than what they got.


Is Italy balanced now in supremacy?

But chinacos have range, so a mass of them snowball too efficiently. Mexico has dragoons to counter cavalry. Otherwise give sowars, mahout and naginatas bonus vs cav too


The spanish musketeers, that in mho should be named Patricios or Patricians as they are clearly a reference to, overlap with the regular musketeers at the Fort

It would be better if they just outright replace the Fort musketeers.

A simple change like their hat should be enough to make them easier to parce compared to regular musketeers. In my mod gave them the Guard Carolean hat, as it’s the most similar to the one they used (Though there is not much to be done with the jacket).

########### of a Patrician’s uniform.


That’s a fantastic idea!

That may be the case with steppe riders and keshiks, but I was primarily talking about the iron flails and meteor hammers which are not cheaper than regular cav.

And as already before mentioned Mexico does have goons. Which makes the fact that chinacos beside having a bonus to infantry also have a bonus vs cav even more ridiculous. Think about all the Asian civs not just china. Imagine a naginata that additionally to his infantry bonus has now a anti cav bonus. Sounds stupid? Yeah that’s what Mexico right now has.

And yes I understand your problem with Mexico only receiving nerfs, I’m in the same boat. But if we move the cav multiplier away we can maybe give the Chinaco something he really needs, something like 10 hp or a higher multiplier vs inf. Having as heavy cav a multiplier vs inf and cav is just to much, how do you want to counter this unit with some civs?

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I feel that there seems to be a trend for each European civilization (except perhaps the Italians, Maltese and Ottomans) to have their own way of turning archaic archer units to firearms. First the British, then the Germans, and now the Portuguese. You can almost see the French, Spanish and Swedes lining up to be the next.

Anyway, please have the Portuguese ally in the Consulate provide this Ordenança riflemen as well. Portuguese firearms changed warfare for the Japanese, but it is a pity that they provide Crossbowmen at the Consulate when the Japanese already can access musketeers.

I don’t have Ordonnance riflemen, even if I send the treaty of Torsedilla, It stays crossbowmen

then you’re not playing the PUP. You need to activate the PUP in Steam, right click the game, open properties and chose the PUP in the tab betas.

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Ok so the update isn’t released ?

Thank you for the tips, I didn’t know

Now that you say it Chu Ko Nu change when? xD

I’ll probably write something again in the “china rework” post :pensive:.
At this point I just want them to do anything, splitting the war academy and giving the gunpowder infantry arsenal upgrades to the card “western reforms” [IV] would already be awesome.

However looking at these changes, if anything happens at all with china, it will probably be in a Winterpatch or even later. Still don’t get it why they nerfed the china FF and late game like that and at the same time didn’t give any compensation for the Age IV units.

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I think the port crossbowmen change isn’t for the better. They already have rifle infantry that are cheap in coin, If any civ should have an upgrade to rifles from crossbowmen it should be Swedes.

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nobody plays pup, the hotkeys for some reason are not tranferred to the pup.
and for some reason i dont get to make find market hotkey function on any pup

For me it isn’t about them needing a unit for that role or not: it’s about how dumb it is for them to keep using crossbows in the in-game representation of the 1800s, especially for the ports who got xbows as their royal guard units. Ports were also the civ with the least unique units, so this brings them a little closer to other civs.

Basically I think Ports, Swedes and everyone else can and should get an upgrade like this.

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fix the bugs please

and make a section that says:
bug fixed this patch:


Aztec nerfs again? Why?


They have Cassadores and other civs have Skirmishers, except Swedes .

That’s the upgrade.

Chinacos must attack first.