And? What is wrong with the FP beeing one of if not the best skirm?

It’s not like Haud, have the economy to mass sustain them into late game, nor their musket count as nor their dragoon.

Further, there are skirms out there that i regard as far more problematic, from the humble cacadores being probably the cheapest and simultaniously one of the best skirms, to the neftenaya of the ethiopians which have so many cards ontop of a massive HP pool.


Advanced church is an age 2 card

-40% training time is also nice, so its like fencing+riding school on top if u go full merc… but those are not really a thing in 1v1 anyway
+Merc shipments are cheaper
+you can get “tilly” for more speed at +5% cost, offset by -15% from Wallenstein

I think its hard to give it an exact value… i guess devs want germans to be kind of merc spammers(?) since the merc upgrade got decreased from 20% to 15% aswell

Lol and They Want to Nerf Chinacos More lol

Increase their Base Damage back to 17 as Always Was Before April Patch. And In April notes the Nerf dont was Listed so its Just to Give 17 Damage As He Always Had

No changes in the pup? Anyone noticed any changes that are not mentioned?

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Germans should get regular cav combat that boosts all cavalry now, as pretty much all Euro civs get now.


Problem with that would be it effects mercs as well and they already have a merc combat card, imagine black riders and bosniaks with +35% attack and HP.

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i think in december as they always delay

no changes, still the poruchik card is not present in age 2 like the pup says, i post it on forum 3 days ago


the novemcember patch

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30%, merc combat is getting nerfed. (Though there is an extra 15% atk from the team card)

And Swedes can allready do that and build them from the stables, yet nobody does it.


Swedish card is just ranged cav though, so you’d get beefy black riders but not all cav and worth noting that swedens merc upgrade card is in age 4 so it’s no where near as viable as having cav combat and merc combat in age 3.

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Theres 2 generalist hand cav cards in age 2 for Swedes

Not an issue though because if someone lets you send so many cards they deserve to lose, the problem with germans with their merc cav combat and a general cav combat card in age 3 is the ease of achieving such strong units.

They should at least rename the card, its the only cavalry combat card that isnt a general cav buff. A new icon and name might make it clearer it doesnt work as its title suggests.


Maybe though you only need to read the card description, same happens with dutch cards that are like infantry combat but it’s only dutch infantry for example compared to haud cards which effect everything.

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Difference is that cavalry combat is present in the majority of civs, while infantry combat is not.

Haud cards arent universal anymore either, theyre named war hut combat etc now and only affect their own infantry. I dont think theres anyone who had a universal inf combat card now? Though theres an Italian one in the files.

I don’t like this change at all, architects are already a nuisance costing 2 population and now they are slow to train. :expressionless:

For me this card, in addition to its current effect, should allow revolutionaries to build military buildings and perhaps collect resources at 0.30

I don’t like this change, but I understand why they found it necessary.

This change greatly favors the strategies of Spanish Rush.

In my opinion, this card should be able to affect outlaw units as well.

It seems like a good change to me, although I don’t understand why limit the limit of units we can train if they basically cost population.

I think it’s an excellent change, although it doesn’t work very well with the Argentine Revolution card that sends 3 Li’l Bombard. (does not reduce its cost in coins)

PS: Would it be possible for the developers to modify the Argentine 7 Elmettos card so that it allows them to be trained? It would also be useful if the 3 Li’l Bombard card is infinite for Germans, Italians and Spaniards. :slightly_smiling_face:

I loved the changes for the Argentine revolution, but I think it needs some things to polish, below are a series of suggestions.

  1. I think the spearman card should allow you to train and improve it at the guard level.
  2. I think Gocho is right, with a couple of changes in appearance and name the Creole card would be more suitable for the Argentine revolution.
  3. I think San Martin should be able to receive military shipments, train Mounted Grenadiers, Dragoons and Revolutionaries, as well as have some special saber combat skills.
  4. I would like to suggest that the Buenos Aires card allows the production of commercial posts to be deposited directly in the Lombards.

Obviously this is just my opinion. :slightly_smiling_face:

Nerf Azap range to 13 and give it +1 range for veteran and guard upgrades.


This should be reversed or higher pop costs. Germany shouldnt get that many 1 pop units. Specially European natives that are stronger than others.