AoE4 FPS loss during Map Moving / Scrolling ( MSI GTX 970 )

Hi guys,

so i have the following problem. My fps is tanking, when i move my cam around the map or even scrolling up and down. If i stand still, i got my 60 FPS even on max settings. But as soon as i move im done.

The game says on the website that the recommended graphic card is atleast a GTX 970. But why am i struggeling that hard? The game looks awful even on mid settings. With my system i can play BF1 and BF5 on max settings with 60 FPS. I dont get it.

I created a few situations on max sttings, maybe that will help? Click the imgur link for that.

I know my RIG isnt the newest, but the game doenst look that good. I dont know, maybe someone can help me? Or do you guys got the same issues?

“Low Settings” (1999 Look) 60 FPS constantly , but the game looks like AOE1

“Mid” Settings (Other Settings min or max, no difference) - 60FPS while not moving, 40FPS while moving. Gets worse with more units ← if standing still 60 FPS aswell

“High” Settings (Other Settings min or max, no difference) - 60FPS while not moving, 25-30FPS while moving. Gets worse with more units ← if standing still 60 FPS aswell

Its getting way worse on Water, like little ponds drop my fps to 15-25FPS while moving/scrolling.

My system:

Windows 10 uptodate

Driver uptodate

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

i5-3470 @ 3,20GHz

16 GB Ram

1920x1080, 60Hz (2 Monitors - Game is only playing on one of them)


Have a good day guys :slight_smile:


I experience the same issue when scrolling. Probably when zooming or panning, dunno.

Mine has 1TB SSD, 16GB RAM, I7 9th generation (9750 I think), RTX2060, very close to recommended hardware for maximum graphic settings. I play with the detected Medium graphics and I suffer from this.

Does it run smooth for you on medium? For me its all fine except when moving the cam in any way x)

I hope they optimze the game… I waited so long for this to come out :frowning:


“The issue you encountered is related to the amount of textural terrain required from the game, which loads in as a player is actively playing and can impact performance when panning the camera. We are actively investigating options to further optimize this scenario. Based on input from internal testing, our technical stress tests, and community feedback, this performance drop when panning the camera should quickly correct itself and should not significantly impact gameplay. The quality of the gameplay experience for our age players is very important to us, and we are working diligently to address and enhance their experience post-launch based on their feedback.”


check your video card. in the GPU-Z status, “Thrm” is indicated in purple in the “perfcap reason” value - the video card trots over the temperature sensor and resets the TDP to 69%. restore and improve the cooling and/or lower the core voltage and it will be fine

проверь свою видеокарту. в статусе GPU-Z фиолетовым в значении perfcap reason указано Thrm - видеокарта тротлит по температурному датчику и сбрасывает TDP до 69%. восстанови и улучши охлаждение и/или снизь напряжение ядра и будет хорошо

well, for me its the whole game like this. Or do i read it wrong?

Yeah but i thpught 80 degrees wouldnt be that bad? Or do i miss something? How do i lower the voltage of my GPU? :confused:

I suspect there’s something in the memory controller. apparently it overheats but does not have a thermo sensor. (I looked at the memory load- 27% is very small). or something else, but definitely the video card should not give a purple warning about overheating

я подозреваю что там что-то в контроллере памяти. видимо он перегревается но не имеет термо датчика. (смотрел нагрузку на память- 27% это очень мало). либо что-то еще, но однозначно видеокарта не должна давать фиолетовое предупреждение о перегреве

perhaps the msi afterburner program will help. how to use it is on YouTube. But of course, if there are problems with cooling, this will not help much, physical cleaning and replacement are needed

возможно поможет программа msi afterburner. как ей пользоватья - есть на ютубе. Но само собой если там проблемы с охлаждением- это мало поможет, нужна физическая чистка и замена

well i will try to clean it and play with the case open then. maybe nearby the window at night. idk

There is another thread about this here: Huge lag when panning camera

It seems to affect everyone and there is no solution right now other than to play on a lower resolution or graphics settings so that you can overpower the frame drops.

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perhaps in the future they will add more graphics settings or optimize something. now, at maximum settings, the game is very demanding of resources. but right there on the average 40 frames… this is 2-3 times less than it should be on the gtx 970.

возможно в будущем добавят еще настройки графики или что-то оптимизируют. сейчас на максимальных настройках игра очень требовательна к ресурсам. но тут же на средних 40 кадров… это в 2-3 раза меньше чем должно быть на gtx 970.

What do you mean with replacement?

considering that the card is not new, the thermal paste could already dry out there

учитывая что карта не новая - термопаста там уже могла и высохнуть

Runs smooth save for the noted circumstances.

You don’t have enough graphics RAM. My GTX 1660 Super OCed uses 4gb of it’s 6gb, and I’m able to have max graphics, 80fps (75 changes to 80 lol)

the problem even happens on mdeium settings, my gpu specs isnt the problem
and my cart has 4gb aswell

Ive cleaned my GPU and CPU but that didnt do the trick.

Here a shot with the programm AFTERBURNER von MSI

Here i have 1 more shot on MEDIUM settings above water while moving the cam. Solid 20 FPS x)

What are your gpu clock speeds while doing this

doenst that say this in the picture? on my second monitor on those programms.

GPU clock 1341,6 MhZ

The picture includes both, the game and the live data to this specific ingame shot

The second picture is the right monitor alone, just bigger. But its the same screenshot