Upon playing more, it seems to happen with all herdable animals. I haven’t tried with any other civ but haudenosaunee and inca. The same problem happens though.
Me too. Once I kill a sheep, all of them will leave corral and surround town center including lean ones. It’s hard to pick and drive back immature animals among them.
Yeah, I noticed this as well when testing out the infinite 7 sheep + homestead wagon.
Sheep in AoE2 behave that way. In AoE2 it makes sense, because:
a) sheep don’t fatten
b) your villagers have to drop off the food at the tc or a mill.
In AoE3 it not only is not useful but harmful, because:
c) you do not need to drop resources off at a building, so you place your sheep where you want them to reduce villager-walking time.
d) unfattened sheep walk away from their fattening building, creating a worse situation for you.
So I’d like to have the ported “sheep-ai” removed. Just let us control where we want our sheep.
Just Got a thought, Maybe they did that thing where your fat cows would go to TC but it then sends unfat cows too. Why don’t just let us have a Rally marker on the Livestock to set a point on where we want to set Fat cows? That would be helpful instead of them going to TC or just going around Livestock when they’re full. By having a rally point of When they get Fat would work wonders. It currently has 1 rally point but only to set to where they go when unfat
In the mission “Help from a pirate” I can’t kill the sheep. When I give the order to a villager to kill them, they move from one point to another. When they stand still, the villager does too. Try as I might, this repeats itself. It’s a minor bug but it has happened to me twice already.
on multiplayer happens the same but the sheeps or the cows go to the town when the villagers will kill them, just when the cows arrives to the town you can get the meet i lost a lot of time!!!
I experienced this same bug in skirmish mode. My cows felt the need to walk all the way to the TC before I could harvest them. Even then right clicking on them with vills didn’t always work.
I have the same bug. Sheep tend to move between livestock pen & TC. Right clicking the sheep has to be done multiple times for sheep to be harvested for food.
The Cows and Sheep are going to the urban center. When you try to collect an animal, all the animals end up going to the urban center. The ones that are full and empty of food. In the classic Age of Empires III, when animals are euthanized, everyone stands in the same spot, in the corral. It is insurpotable to collect animals.
DESCRIBE THE ISSUE IN DETAIL (below). Limit to ONE issue per thread.
This is an odd one… Playing as the British using the livestock boom strategy. Whenever I send a villager to begin gathering from cows, the villager approaches the cow, and then all of the cows - fattened or unfattened - run to the town center.
Once I actually manage to get a villager gathering, this issue does not persist unless the villagers run out of fattened cows to gather. If they have to start over, the same thing happens - cows run away to the town center. Very frustrating.
How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST.
Less than 25% of the time / matches I play (RARELY)
25% of the time / matches I play (SOMETIMES)
50% of the time / matches I play (FREQUENTLY)
100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)
List the DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue… Be descriptive!
Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:
What was supposed to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?
What actually happened (what went wrong) because of the issue you’re reporting?
Include a OneDrive or Google Drive link to a SAVE GAME or REPLAY FILE (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue.