It is not, see below:
Also, Huron are on 4 maps currently (they are also on Great Lakes and Saguenay).
Tatars from Eastern Europe aren’t really the same thing as the people in Manchuria, but you could probably stretch them to quite a few maps. It’s more super specific stuff ones like Crimean Goths that are unrealistic, especially when they overlap with better options like Tatars. Tatars, Greeks, and Circassians might be plausible options, but only if you go well beyond Europe.
That should be fixed, not doubled down upon. I made a post complaining about it.
Mercenaries (high population) are kind of the opposite of natives (no population). A settlement to hire the existing mercenaries probably could be workable though.
But we already have a German civ (and mercenaries) that can cover most of these peoples, I don’t think we need 10 more flavours of German (I realize suggesting a Hansa Kontor is a bit hypocritical, but it is widely distributed and not entirely German).
“Vagabond” is a pretty neutral term and if it is a spy unit, it’s not really a front line warrior. The Romani are widespread and overlooked, so it would be plausible for a few of them to be spies and informers. I also suggested a Vardo as a secondary unique economic unit and based none of their techs on thievery. Some of them did even get involved in politics and conflicts (like this guy Ștefan Răzvan).
Overall, it’s probably a pointless argument since we will likely never see European maps.