Hey everyone! Interesting topic. I’d like to provide some insight how the picks for maps and natives came to be. Obviously the big majority of maps and natives was inherited from ES/BHG. With the limited time I do think they overall made a good job of picking relevant people for minor civs. However, we’re aware they’re far from perfect and that certain continents are underrepresented. That has several reasons!
- The big amount of American maps can be easily explained with the base game as well as the first expansion The Warchiefs having an American setting.
- More specifically what the 1st expansion did was add 2 civilizations from North America and 1 from Central America, which is why I’d assume there was no particular focus on South America.
- Asia and Africa each had “only” one expansion to cover 2 entire continents. That, obviously, is quite the challenge within the limited given dev time. As you could hopefully see in the current African Royals event we’re still releasing new African maps to improve that situation!
- With the release of Age3DE we tried to relocate a good amount of the new maps to Asia and South America and will continue to do that if we get the opportunity.
- Generally speaking a good minor civilization is one that can be used on multiple maps. There are limited resources to create content, which is why minors are spread as much as possible to ensure players get to see and use them often enough. That naturally leads to inaccuracies and in several cases also (over)stretches things. However, so called “one-map natives” just aren’t sustainable as they can’t get enough exposure, even if they’d make a single map more accurate.
- The current minimum of appearances per minor civ is 3 maps, which is not a good value (although it is only 2 civs) and one we hope to raise. 5-6 appearances on the hand can be considered solid. Fortunately that is a threshold all African and (by now) also all Asian minors have reached or surpassed by now.