Fake GG?

Alright so you’ve said it twice now that this is forbidden in tournaments but is there actually a written rule in e.g. KotD3 that says you outright cannot do this? I believe that someone used the chat trick in HC3 qualifiers and admins did not step in, so clearly the organizers of that major tournament didn’t care enough to regulate it.

Also, looking back on the thread: are you really citing the Geneva conventions, those utterly powerless accords that countries follow mostly when it’s convenient for them or use to hammer down weaker countries, as reasons why things can’t be allowed in a game?


Yeah, well, I actually agree that it’s an asshole move but then again assholes exist and like what’re you going to do about it, hunt down all of them? Just know in your heart that you’re a better person and move on, there’s nothing you can do about it. And if you’re going to be upset that you’re being punished for having honor - well, if you actually have honor, then honor is its own reward. Acting honorably because you expect to get something for it is not that.


There’s an implicit agreement in the community that after “gg” you resign. By not doing so you break the social contract.

By the same token there are implicit agreements against drushes and vill-fighting in some AOE communities, and in those communities you should be punished for doing so, but in the ranked ladder there is no such social contract.

It would be nice if we could chat before a game starts, so we could agree on our own rules. Eg “no laming?” “Agreed” or they could reply “2 11”.
It’s too late after the game has already started.


If the Thread helps maybe a few players to not lose the Game to this Low Life Behaviour its a good Thing or not?

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Yeah but even then you have no way of enforcing it. It’s the ladder; the entire point is arguably that if it’s in the game it’s available for use - that’s why you can’t ban people from meeting you in the ladder, even if you absolutely don’t want to play them due to an annoying style or in-chat rudeness.

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I’d really like to see the game in which you say this trick was pulled
And there’s no rule that says it’s forbidden in a tournament because no top player will stoop that low. The day someone actually does it in a tournament (and I’m not talking qualifyers), there will be a written rule about this. Because no one does want the game 11 of a tournament finals to be decided by this trick


BTW, I checked, and there’s something about sportsmanship in the rules. So if someone had pulled this in a game that actually matters, I think the organizers would have stepped in

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Sportsmanship doesn’t mean ‘no tricks’, it means ‘don’t scream, curse, accuse of cheating, or otherwise bring stuff that happened in game out of game; when you lose, lose gracefully (instead of e.g. hiding vills) and when you win, do so gracefully (without mocking the other guy)’. That’s sportsmanship - being a good player and knowing how to win and lose. It has nothing to do with lying about in-game events using in-game tools.


GG is not an In Game Event its Player to Player Communication. So you miss The point here.

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People who do that on a regular basis will get reported for it. One solution is to act on the report.

I was “a bit” harsh :grin: when I said “ban them” straight away, but a warning, maybe 2 and then a short ban
And then a longer ban

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It’s part of the game.

Even laming (which I really hate and never do it myself)

Maybe, but it’s not toxic behavior.

gg is usually you being respectful to your opponent and accepting defeat.
But if you try to resort to tricks (unless it’s cheats and exploits) I feel like it’s not a part of honor.

MBL did pull something like that on Daut tho,

I feel like a ban is not a good solution here.

Ban is when you cheat or get toxic (resorting to personal insults or acting aggressively in chat without any indication of sarcasm)

Even when people troll with walling their last villagers, they shouldn’t be banned. Maybe warnings will work there.


I mentioned it earlier MBL Daut is on another Level. In the other Case you lie directly Player to Player. So I have to disagree with you here. I wonder why this is so hard to understand for some of you.

call it what you want, the fact is that this community would be better whithout this kind of player

not in a competitive game (ladder isn’t competitive for people who play tournaments on a regular basis). Besides, these guys have played hundreds if not thousands of matches against each other and are friends IRL. I would totally accept that in an unranked game against a friend. I might even do it myself. But I’d aknowledge his superiority afterwards

the issue is you can’t just warn people endlessly. At some point you have to punish them. And honestly, if you’ve been warned several times for toxic (or whatever you want to call it) behaviour, then you deserve the ban

I think that’s the worst part of it. GG is (one of) the things that make this community a good one and differenciates it from FIFA, F1 games or LoL. Using itlike that is… well, very low


Because this behavior might not be cool, but it’s not too damaging to the community.

The community will always have toxic players. Those are way worse than this type of player

It is, sure.

But again, it doesn’t matter that much.

Correct, but a ban after like 10 warnings for that one. And not a perma one. Maybe 2 days


Imo dev can add “gg” as an alternative command for MP resign. By typing this in the chat u automatically resign and cant continue the game anymore. No more problems. Let lamer lame themselves kekw.

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Not a bad idea. But maybe I wanna compliment the guy after calling gg and then resign.

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Man should ban false GG player for a week than chat ban for a year. And when they do it once more after that Lifetimeban.

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Too extreme.

1 week ban after many warnings is fine.

But this is not the category of perma ban.

You don’t execute the guy who steals a lot IRL

If you abuse The GG permantly you should at least get a Lifetime Ban for The Chat.

I will have to disagree with you on this. This is purely subjective, but if someone insults me after a game, I just laugh and think they are mad because they lost. When someone fakes the GG, the game will actually tell him that he won and this gets me mad. I know I should just get on with it but if my opponent is so proud he can’t handle the “you lost” screen, I don’t see why I should accept it

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This isn’t even common behavior, my guy.

One dude did this and probably a few more.

Not much of a big deal if you ask me

Toxicity in the highest is when you attack your allies with an Onager and fucking up their eco.

It’s really not subjective imho


Why not, but nothing would stop you from saying “gg wp” or any sentence that makes your opponent think you resigned. And you can’t exactly make every time someone says “gg” as part of a message resign

There are too many messages with a double g in it :grin: