FE spent a lot of effort to create 2 new architecture and units skin

But this is something that the old civilization should have more(Unique castles and regional units), We prefer to spend money in these
FE is wasting our expectations and making things they like
This is a betrayal


Completely agreed. I used to think they have less budget for modelling but turns out it’s not. They are simply not interested to make things.
We could have had two new architecture sets and 55 new units for base game but alas.


no it isn’t betrayal. I am more willing to pay for content like this, I will never pay for a purely visual DLC


I think they should do both in paralell. and as they hired the rome at war mod team, I think we will get more civs for both game modes from now on.

and yes, i also hope for regional skins for the main civs


There could be a way for them to do it for the base game. After all there’s been a lot of discussion around cosmetic dlc

That mod team doesn’t even create any new model. It just reused stuff from AoE1 and had to hire some expensive modellers from third party websites to create some new units. If you have been following it you would know.

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Imagine having Nomadic and Incan Architecture set and unique castle for all civs. This request still requires less models than they created for this DLC.


I didn’t chose it. Xbox assigned it on it’s own.

Now apologize

My personal opinion is that they are creating this kind of long single-player campaign content as a new way out, because AOE2 civilization is already saturated, and it is feasible to reduce the frequency of civilization appearances and create single-player content.
But why do they ignore old civilizations in this way? We still have 6 civilizations without their own campaigns.
Making a campaign similar to this DLC for the old civilization, while renovating the unit models and unique building models for the old civilization, this is what I want to see. You are ruthlessly destroying the things that made you successful


If they make new scenario or campaign dlc in the future, I hope they can add a lot of new assets and architectures. We can and should get new castles to be consistent.


But most of all the hypocrisy… When they added Romans noooooo again Europe Italy etc. Now they’re exactly re adding for the third time something pseudo European instead of Asia or whatever (like I would have by far preferred personally) but it’s fine somehow.

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Like for example they could have concentrated effort on this


FE spent 0 time and effort. It’s not made by FE. but by CaptureAge.


Because it doesnt affect the main game? Whats so hard to understamd that the problem is that with Romans you were including another civ that has come to be associated almost entirely with Europe (since in North Africa and the Fertile Crescent the Roman heritage was completely overshadowed by the Islamic heritage), who overlas too much with existing civs, reduce the options for civ design and clutter the European continent.

Here its such a wacky departure it probably wont affect the futute much, and the ammount of effort and the emphasis on the history of Persia make it at least to me kinda exciting

I would have prefered this efort be put into an African and East Asia DLC (two extra architecture sets for base DE would have been much apreciated), but I hve a hard time not apreciating the effort, something lacking in the Burgundian, Sicilian and Roman civs (I also dislike some of the other additions but these are the most infuriating to me)

I would have put Spartans and Athenians togheter in a civ and added Babylon instead but oh well.


Just found this incredible Idea sheet.

Apparently FE had this in plans but never executed. Such a shame.


This isn’t actually it. Half the ones on here are fan-added.


I see yes it is written there are some modifications by a fan.

In this something the majority of the playerbase wants? They really want the devs to mess with the old civs, changing units and stuf…?

Not being contrary to it, but I think this is an unpopular opinion?

The same question above, do the playerbase want this?

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I would like to get regional units and new architectures but I also agree that it be something optional, either through a DLC which adds all these quality of life features or if they are added for free it would be nice to have one option to enable or disable new content for those who want to continue keeping the game in its original state

That’s glorious!

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