are you sure dude?
I just looked now, I had no scholars, done no previous research. and mine still shows 5mins…
hold on checking updated********
I just looked now, I had no scholars, done no previous research. and mine still shows 5mins…
hold on checking updated********
These research times hurt too much. You need 20+ scholars to compete with times in imp age. Delhi was already weak at late game now they are even worse. The only thing Delhi had going was rushing sacred sites into castle age with a timing push. They took that away and made the civ basically totally ■■■■. Time to switch to another civ i guess lol
That is probably a problem then…
also you cant reduce the research time of keep with mosques
French got nerfed by spearmen doing 3.5 bonus damage instead of 3, by spearmen auto bracing when attack moving, by the crossbow buff and by the early hulk nerf. Not sure about the delhi changes though
Delhi was almost dead already. Now Relic has succeeded in totally killing it on purpose.
French, English? Untouched.
The only reason I played this game was cause I enjoy Delhi…No sacred sites till 9 minutes just kills them, how could they mess this patch up so bad?
It’s still too big of nerf on their late game especially when Delhi is one of the worst if not worst civ in imperial.
Don’t worry, they are “listening to our feedback” though.
I am watching all pro delhi players loose game after game with delhi
I think developers don’t like people to play Delhi. They moved Sanctity to Feudal age… Why the hell did they do that? That was the only reason some people choose Delhi for early Holysite rush. And that was not even overpowered… I mean that can easily be countered. But they somehow thought that Delhi is an overpowered civ with nearly useless Elephants and no early or even late significant advantage.
I don’t think people will want to play Delhi anymore. French, Mongols, English, Rus are still the overpowered civs. Holy Roman which btw is also nerfed and the Delhi is now an alt-F civ. At-least give us some lolipop to atleast try to play these civs man.
Springalds still not nerfed, so for another 3 to 4 months we are going to see only springalds META which is super boring now…
They already had enough problems, they didn’t need further nerfs. I think making them capture holy sites in feudal would be a good civ bonus and then leave the tech for doubling holy site gold income. But they need some buffs early to compensate for how hard their early game is already, have you tried countering a longbow rush as delhi? Even spamming horsemen their so called counter is a crapshoot to win.
French, Mongols, Rus, English absolutely OP and they nerf… DELHI.
This is more than incompetence. This is a scandal, truly disgusting.
Tower Elephants still called Tower War Elephants.
contrary to the Update
I can confirm these have worked
But yep I still have only a 5minute Village Fortresses upgrade time.
I’m confused right now.
The Delhi nerf is so incomprehensible and unconscionable, one wonders about Relic staff motives.
Why should scholars do anything in your keep? They are placed in mosques, but the newest update disconnected keeps from the mosque network.
France water got nerfed and knights got nerfed. They were the 2nd most nerfed civ after probably Delhi (although Delhi getting noticeably faster eco and early blacksmith techs is nice)
Exactly. The weakest civ in the game was the MOST NERFED.
Something phenomenal, never seen before.
Free means nothing if you have to spend enough to make them researched within a realistic timeframe. 15 min base is actually absurd
None of this is to mention that they removed their best strategy either (dark age sites).
there are resource exploits in game which other civs can use to tech up costly research. but can delhi do that no, because you cant exploit time