Game is a desaster, admit it please

Again, you are wrong. No only did AoK had ctrl groups, but also AoE1 at launch. Stop spreading misinformation here pls. Here’s the proof:

AoK: Check around minute 18 how he uses his militia on Ctrl 1

AoE1: Check around minute 48 how he uses his mixed army on Ctrl 1

Cant believe Im even debating this, what are we even doing here, Warcraft 2 had this in 1995, and I think we could even go further back then that.


stupid homing arrows omg, the worst feature from aoe3


Don’t you remember when the Holy Roman Empire invented homing ICBMs in 1150?

You’re joking, but these are the people that came up with G11
Kraut Space Magic: the H&K G11 - YouTube

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You seem to have gotten confused about what I meant. What I’m saying, unclearly maybe, is that AoK (and AoC) did not have hotkey customization for control groups, techs, attack move, etc.

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yeah because you made the topic , of couse that people will discuss about it.

Hello, I’m moslty starcraft2 player(PvP). Never played AoE. However after watching some streams I’ve became very interested in AoE4. I don’t think the game is a disaster.
For me, the most important thing is that devs should support the game after release. Quick ballance paches, working with community, etc. We’ve seen many examples when an game had a rough start (NoManSky is the most famous one) but developers didn’t giveup and continued to deliver. I really hope AoE4 will have great post launch support and I’m definately looking forward to play it.


Even though I really like AGE4 gameplay , Im with you man , but the game is not disaster.AGE4 should be a trully next gen game , with new a lot new gameplay mechanics , and tactics.For sure AGE4 looks more like AGE2,5 DLC , then AGE4 next gen in 2021.If this game had different title , I would say its from 2011 , not from 2021.Today every game has to look like Fortnight.Its not that I dont like the art style of AGE4, its that this game is made for teenagers , not for people that really love rts games with tactics , and more realistic graphics.AGE4 for me is a good average rts game and it looks like from 2011, not 2021.It looks like every new sequel is made for a new generation people which are mostly teenagers that really love Fortnight.It also looks like people like us that grow up with AGE 1,2 are not that important for business perspective and money.At the end its all about money , big money.Thats why I love indie games so much ;].


I wonder how will look a new C&C game from EA ;] .For sure its not going to be like we all hope so .

What about people that really hate starcraft 1,2 gameplay ;].Starcrafta game is just for people that really know how to point and click faster then light, no tactics and strategy at all ;].

This is just wrong lol. Starcraft has been one of the most popular and high skill games in RTS for years.
Their pro scene is massive compared to Aoe’s.
The fact that many SC2 players are interested in Aoe IV is a good sign.


No. I’ve only played StarCraft 2 once and I can already deny that.


for starcraft players is a good sign , for people that really love rts games with tactics and strategy not that much ;] , although AGE4 is much more slower , compare to Starcraft.

Im mainly an Aoe fan but i’ve played a little starcraft as well.
SC2 has always been known as a massive Esport.

Starcraft is an RTS game with tactics and strategy. All you are telling me right now is that you’re impossible to reason with and have a negative bias towards other RTS games.


every rts game that is made for Esport , I skip it ;].Thats why I love Rise of nations , Command and Conquer games , Dawn of war , Supreme Commander

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Well bye then.

I’m more than happy to welcome the SC2 community as they are such a massive portion of the RTS community.


Is not true. Although I am an AoE2 player, I played Starcraft 2 casually for 3 months and often lost to people with 1/3 of my APM, if there was no strategy involved I would win most of the time, which I didn’t. I am very happy that SC2 PROs are interested in AoE4.


Im going to buy AGE4 , because its much slower , compare to Starcraft games , too bad that it looks more like Fortnight from 2011 , but because of great sound , music , walls and beautiful 3D maps , I will buy it

The fact people from a massive RTS game are interested in aoe IV is really nice.

You might notice some SC2 pro players from the official beta leaderboards: