Game is a desaster, admit it please

oh trust me no matter what ign rating would be dogshit. i mean after all have you seen their recent preview? they literally compared age of empires 4 to total war , i just blasted my ■■■ from laughter at this horrible preview.

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On the basis of success by other RTS that have been already released.
Can we have there any other than expectation?

Why should it be by AoE4 any better than for example C&C RA3 or Dow3?

No, Age of Empires 3 was (and still is) completely missing the UI Selection Panel just like AoE 4. Hotkeys have also been largely expanded with every release of the games, the original AoE 2 had MUCH less hotkey customization than the current form does. Age of Kings had no control groups at all, it had no hotkeys for techs, it had no attack move.

These things are not the “default must haves” of RTS games, they’re things you’ve grown accustomed to having. In the end they’re developer decisions, and I think if most people would like these things added, they’ll likely be added.


Big changes sure, but most of the stuff you’re complaining about are small changes, and the large things like graphics are incredibly subjective, and really shouldn’t be changed anyways, maybe small tweaks to the textures so there’s less team colors.

But again, in the month and half between the Closed beta and the open beta, many great changes were made. Not to mention that beta builds are never the most up to date builds anyways, there were probably already many changes in place before the beta even ended.

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I’ll Say 8/10. It’s Always Aoe.

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Doing what community asks is a recipe for disaster. People in general don’t know what they want and require things they don’t need. Additionally, the loudest players are not representative of the playerbase as a whole, which skews the feedback. Probably the only thing players are worth for are bug reports and such.


I agree with 8/10. I looked back at ign’s rankings for age games. there are some funny numbers. but 8/10 feels right to my gut.

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What are you talking about, AoE2AoK had ctrl groups and unrestricted hotkey customisation at launch. It was an insanely good hotkey customisation ahead of its time! These are absolutely the default basic standard expected from an RTS with any pretensions today, especially a giant such as AoE4. It’s like saying you don’t expect wheel support from Gran Turismo 7.
Hmm, yes. “they’re developer decisions”, I wonder how such a discussion went:
1 - Hey, let’s launch the game without the means for players to enjoy an RTS game, so let’s not put patrol there, or selection panel box for individual units, or proper h…
2 - But that would mean if for example you garrisoned five villagers into a tower and you wanted to bring out the high HP ones to repair it, you could only bring out all of them by clicking on the group.
1 - Yeah, that’s what I said, let’s launch it without basic means for people to enjoy it properly!

Yeah, sure, developer deicisions…

Btw, for the casual out there moving the camera with the arrows saying they dont really care about hotkeys. Well, you should, imagine you realise that you’d want to hit some hotkeys from time to time from the left side of the keyboard, so you’d kinda move arrow keys to WASD because that’d be more convenient for you. Well, you can’t do that, we could do that in AoE2AoK at launch, but not today. It’s too complicated to be coded today.

Oh, and regarding AoE3 missing selection box panel, why do you think it never really took off? That’s one of the reasons right there.


It’s a mistake to try to merge games that have nothing in common. The right approach would have been this :

AOE2 → AOE4 (3d isometric, aoe2 in 2021, new code etc…)
AOE3 → AOE5 (Real 3d, the best looking RTS game in 3d that has been ever made with decks etc…)

AoE4 we have today, is not an age of empires for me. It’s just an RTS in medievial times. And it’s a good game, if they adress some basic problems. (Lack of Hotkey’s, score, more zoom etc…)

3D of aoe4 is ugly, the graphics are mediocre, gold color features is so bad, the UI is like WTF is this XD :

But I dont care, the gameplay is extremely addictive and I enjoyed a lot spaming games during stress test.


No, as I said AoK out of the box did not have control group customization until HD edition.

This is unnecessarily cynical. No, considering both the original developers of AoE, Ensemble Studios, as well as Relic made the same decision, I assume it probably sounded more like “Hey lets clean up this UI and make it easier to tell how many units you have selected” without realizing the problems that it creates.

Hotkeys are a pretty big deal to me since I usually set up a non-standard hotkey layout built around “JIO;” rather than WASD area. But those are things that can easily be added, and don’t by themselves make AoE4 a “desaster”


Y the hate tho? have u even played the beta? i for one did and enjoyed the hell out of it. to me this game feels more like age of mythology i like being able to place units on walls, it was very self expanitory how u get them there, to be honest i think this game is going to be very very well recieved. The only major people i see complaining about it are those big game reviewers who are paid off by other companies its very foolish. My only complaint at this stage is that im hearing nothing about map editor, im one of those guys who plays around with map editors in rts games and makes very pretty maps. I wanna see bohemiah added to this game once they do that bye bye aoe 2 aoe 4 is my new favorite. im 100% on board with them migrating all civs and campaigns to this game

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very minor changes very easy fixes

Just widows of the AOE2. Their mask dropped even more after they released AOE4

7.8 to be exact, that’s my bet or 7.6

He played the open beta and I like it. Nothing else that. I found it fun.

In my opinion, the developers wanted to get the best out of AOE2 and AOE3. Add to that what an RTS needs today for new and old players.

For me it is a kind of great balance or “synthesis” to be able to have the greatest possible success in sales and players. They are a company.

I liked the design style.

I’m a casual gamer, so my opinion can also be a bit superficial.

PS: sorry for my english, I had to help myself with google xD


I don’t know if it will be successful or not, but I made the list of features that I think should be implemented, but that I know will probably never happen. They are merely personal tastes, but there are many that we have in common.

I personally think the game itself is good. But I want a perfect game, not a good game.

“Special”. That is the word that they seem to have ignored.

… And yes, the terrain is the most satisfying thing to see. Other than that, there is nothing else to inspire a screenshot. The boats are great, but the water and the way they shoot doesn’t make them look good. In addition they are also very disproportionate.

The soundtrack is perfect and a lot of sound effects.


Absolutely don’t agree. Company of Heroes3 Will be fantastic for this reason and Humankind Is beautiful for the same.

This Is “Co-developments”. People Will help developers to build the game they wanna see.

both arguments are true, but COH core game play is already established so devs can implement some ideas from community…

This is why Paradox games are so successful. Maybe AOE-4 is successful like this, but it could be much more successful if you listen to suggestions.

There’s a problem with that approach though. While they are all generally of a similar formula, every Age of Empires game has its own features and quirks. Each game has its own following for various reasons. To attempt to appeal to everyone and implement ideas for YOUR Age of Empires game will only pull it in several directions at once.

They have already created the basis for the game with aspects from its predecessors. There are still refinements that can be made, and I’m confident they will be handled with time. If not by the developers themselves, then, just as is available from launch, mod support can refine the experience to people’s tastes.

And before you say it, no, the reliance on mods is not “game devs not doing their job”. Good devs will create the baseline and support mods to allow people to refine the game to their tastes. The game can adapt to people’s preferences following this.