Germany general post

There could also be more references to other german states in the current German civ, in the form of cards. Aditionally new German mercenary units could be created to fill those gaps as well. The Schutzen or a mounted Jaeger are potential examples.

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At first (before DE) I was sure Germany needed a split. But recently, after playing the civ more and getting familiar with the KotM changes, my opinion gradually changed.

Now I think it’s possible to tech into any direction from a combination of HC cards, royal alliances (Habsburgs for austrian troops, hannover for prussia) and playstyle (picking certain units and tactics while ignoring others).

And it’s not like those two major entities never shared a common union (HRE, German Confederation)


And in my opinion, for example, the fact that today Austria and Germany are separate is telling much. Italy is a one country for example. Back then (XVIII and XIX century) Prussia and Austria were separate powers that fought each other many times. The third faction - HRE would be to show that Germans are not only Prussians. There would be potential for units and everything. If the game was developed for many years, one day another German-speaking nation could be added - the Swiss. This is a topic for the distant future, but it is worth taking up. After all, whether the Campaign of the Seven Years’ War or the Napoleonic Wars, for example, needs to divide the “Germans” faction and make it more detailed.


Aren’t Danes also Germans in a way?

Danes aren’t Germans man. Other language , culture.They had very old germanic origin but with the time they found completely different way. And they were in union with Norway in some time.


Not at all! They are relatively close to Swedes and Norwegians.

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The only other population groups that you, in the timeframe, could consider germans are the Czech what with the kingdom of Bohemia which was massivly mixed and a core part of the HRE and german confederation.

Hence the war wagon. Though it’d be nice if germany would get lineinfantry and on occaision you’d hear Czech instead of just german voicelines.

They are Germanic nations but they belong to different groups. The Danes are North Germanians (Nordic). Modern Germany is a collection of many Germanic nations from various groups (Saxons, Allemanians, Bavarians, etc.).

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This was determined in 1866, when Prussia beat Austria. In fact, after WWI there was a push by some circles in Austria to join Germany. Let’s not even talk about 1937.

I’ll say it again and how many times it’s necessary. Von Clausewitz himself said ‘Vienna is the heart of Germany’


Then it would be nice to see more of the HRE / Habsburgs and less of the prussians no?

The King of Prussia was elector in the HRGE so the ingame Germans should still have Prussian presence

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HRE have big potential for many interesting units. I think that ,Germans" should be reworked to HRE. Austria & Prussia could be great Dlc in 2027 cause after Danish-Polish Dlc its time for Asia , South America , Africa.


And yet all the special units are merely prussian. Also germany lacks distinctly heavy infantry so no.

What about the Dutch? I’m not saying they are German, but they are relatively close to north Germans and low german speakers. They are certainly closer in many ways than the Czechs, yes?

I think the Prussian uhlan should be renamed to the k.u.k. Uhlan, an actual Austrian designation and not a generic name.

Then there could be better late game military representation for both Austria and Prussia and references to Austria-Hungary

Saxon Leibgrenadiergarde - Project Seven Years War There are nice potential units like this for example for HRE ( reworked actual ,Germans" faction).

More units for Saxony for example , as potential part of HRE faction.

Bavarian Units

Brunswick Units

Hanoverian Units

Wurttemberg Units

Hesse-Kassel Units

Mecklenburger Units

Hesse Darmstadt Units

**And now is time for potential DLC factions

Habsburg Austria



Realistically an HRE Civ would just be coupled with Austria. It is too difficult to decouple the HRE with Austria, unlike Prussia. Wien was the HRE’s capital and the Austrian Habsburg emperor Franz II destroyed the title in 1806. The successor state included Austria and Prussia and the Prussians forced the Austrians out in a war to become the dominant hegemonic power over the Germans. You could make an argument for a Prussian civ, but I think at this point it’s too intertwined to ever be split, similarly to India.

It’s better to put references to other german states and powers via cards, mercenaries, allies and other gameplay pieces.


I read answers on quora. I don’t see much cultural differences between Danes and Germans.

It depends a lot on the region. While they are not the same people, certain North Germans are much more similar. People from Schleswig-Holstein are going to be very similar to Danes culturally in many ways, and even the Northern most part is danish today. The area was always contested by Danes and Germans. Additional similarities between north Germans and Danes include Lutheranism. This does not make them the same people, but there are similarities in some of the populations.

South Germans and upper-German speaking people generally, as well as Eastern Germans are quite different populations with cultural influences beyond the North of Europe.

Border regions will always have influences from the groups that people live near. Alsace has French and German influences, as they were sandwiched between those two populations.

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Don’t use quora, it’s mostly trash.

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