Who counters Harquebusiers in Imperial Age?
It’s a ranged heavy cavalry. Dragoons will out range them and have a multi against them. Musketeers in melee would be the next best thing.
Edit: most heavy infantry in melee should do the trick (if you can get into melee). Given that Harqs cost around 300c, Musketeers at range might even trade sufficiently into them. Harqs are kinda glass cannons.
Last time guy have 2000 kills 400 loses with that glass cannons. He didn’t even try hit and run tactics, he just stood there. They kill a dragoon with three shots. + area damage. Three to one losses with dragoons.
I’m unsure if they’re overtuned vs heavy infantry, it is possible that they create the “Chinaco Problem” of only really having one counter.
However, if you were using Dragoons already, you should have been using hit-and-run tactics. You have 14 range (he’s got less) and you have more speed. His units cost at least about 1.6x (or more) as much as well. You shouldn’t be taking shots.
They are just like hussars, or they are like a worse version of meteor hammer
Musk doesnt work, they get melted with the area attack. The only thing that can counter them is a mix of cav + goon
If you are hausa, maigadi in spread formation
or spies with a bit of spread
I suppose if you expect your opponent to go heavily into them you could add Assassins or Agents as well.
Muskets in spread formation.
Spies or the equivalent for your civ (try to flank, come from behind), if you can get the agents upgrade that’s even better.
If they like to also go in melee, halebariders will wreck them.
Tnx! It should work.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict this in order to specifically take assassins. The time I encountered this was a random encounter in a tavern. Regular spies showed themselves poorly. They also died quickly, like any infantry. And the dragoons can’t cope either. You need to use the hussars so that they tank the damage and slow them down, and the dragoons kill them. Apparently there is no other tactic.
Dragoons have 14 range to Harquebrusiers 8. You can easily hit-and-run this and a dragoon costs substantially less than what a Harq does. Just don’t let them shoot you. Harqs fire faster, but 3 Dragoons out DPS 2 Harqs (in a harq vs goon MU) if you run between shots (assuming the harqs get a shot off when the Dragoons take one, which is by no means a sure thing).
There’s a valid concern that Harqs perform too well vs Musketeers, but not so much vs Dragoons.
Spies are tricky, Harqs will likely perform fine vs them, if you just charge in that is. Use stealth for better results. Not my first choice though.
If you are playing against brits and they have all the cav cards have spies in your deck, brits can unlock them through an age up and the combined cav cards is better then german upgrade (but not swede)
If you are port have it anyway since port spies gets upgraded through the constable card so they have good tanks no matter wat
edit: same for spain actually, their hand infantry combat cards are universal, so they affect spies as well, thats a +30% stats on the spies and since they are hand infantry breastplate gives another +10%
Technically, I think only Team Hand Infantry Attack is universal. The combat card and the HP card aren’t.
I’d also say if you’re playing Ports just use Dragoons. At 18 range everything said about the Dragoon vs Harq MU is just way more true. I don’t see British Harqs much in 1v1, vs Germany, Agents can be good.
it got changed at some point its definitely universal now. This also gives spain some funny counters cause iirc the harq also has a negative multi against pikes, so if you go spanish square or even just swiss pikes they will probably wreck them as well
The Maltese one is the one that is not universal
Wow… seems like they change old cards like, every 18 seconds…
the notes say its been like this since 2021 since US was released so its been this way for a while
Its one of those things that doesnt really change anything unless you start trying something wild and wacky
like in standard spain game play this distinction will almost never come up but in the edge cases it can be very funny (like mercs, desert outlaws or natives)
edit: actually there is one case where this has an impact in “standard” spanish play is if you are doing piro since now it affects the halbs as well
Before anyone spends time responding to juan. Hes a bad faith arguement who posts hamf truths
Basically everyone else every time the have to read more of your dumb and untrue statements like.here
Forgor the jaegers so thats another lie
Translator note- wheels is villager in juanese
Not since RE
Thats enough lies, can we just nuke this thread or i guess its juan contaiment now
They just don’t counter.
Of course we won. But the thing is that the opponents were weak. That is, if the British had not built a single harquebusier, we would have won 30 minutes earlier.
Granted mercenaries have to be nerfed as a whole.
We lost 4v1 british spamming highlanders after church card. Their allies did nothing.