- BUILD #: 100.12.6847.0
- OS: Windows 10
This is a critical issue in my book. I think the behaviour has changed with the recent updates, but it still isn’t working properly. I don’t want to have to set a different hotkey for each specific action in the game.
Essentially, you’d always expect a hotkey to perform one action at a time regardless of conflicts. And the said action should be the one with the highest “priority” regarding the current selection.
Example from my own experience: I have set the same “C” hotkey to build or to select a church. If I select a villager and press “C”, it should try to build a church, because that’s related to my current selection. If I don’t select a villager, only then it should try to find a church.
Currently, it tries to do both. Here is the evidence:
If I have a selected villager and my church is already built (you’re limited to building a single church), I press “C”, and it will both prompt a text stating “you can only build 1 church” (i.e it tries to build a church), and it will select my church. This is wrong, building the church (or trying to) should be prioritized when a villager is selected.
And while in this specific example it is not really problematic (it just prompts a harmless text), in other situations (such as the one described below) with different selections and different hotkeys, it can be critical.
- 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)
Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:
- Set both the “Find Trading Post” and “Build Trading Post” hotkeys to “P”.
- In game, build a Trading Post.
- Select your explorer and try to build a second Trading Post, using “P”.
The explorer should build a second Trading Post.
The first Trading Post was selected. The “Build Trading Post” hotkey probably worked, but it didn’t matter because the selection already switched to the first Trading Post.