After the new patch there are huge lag issues playing the game. It even appears in offline matches so it might not even be a server related issues. I also saw it in the stream of some streamers.
Yeah I just played a session after the new patch and I get frame drops/stuttering about every 20-30 seconds. I have the Steam version with the HD graphics DLC installed. I had no issues before.
Same issue here. On top of that my PC once froze completely after destroying the yellow castle in the Mongol Raiders challange (think at the moment the trigger for converting all the buildings was activated). With completely I want to say there was no response at all from the PC, was not able to exit the game via ALT+F4, or open task manager or anything…
Never happened in an other game before, just AOE2:DE things
(It is not the first time this happened to me, but at least I know they did not fix that in the current patch.)
Same, every couple of seconds, there is a brief, couple-hundred-milliseconds long micro-stutter/freeze since the new patch. Hotfix ASAP would be much appreciated.